Chapter 21: Bubbles

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               ⚠️WARNING: DRUG USE ⚠️


When they arrived at Suigetsu's house, Sasuke knelt down and lifted up the floor mat to grab the spare key. "How inconspicuous." Naruto said while giggling to himself. "I asked him to just lend me the key but he's stubborn." He responded as he stood back up and unlocked the door, when they walked in meowing was heard from the living room, a few things were visibly knocked over which led Sasuke to pick up on their way in. "His cat is also stubborn."

Naruto looked around the small house, not daring to touch a thing. He assumed Suigetsu wouldn't like him being in his house and figured Sasuke wasn't going to tell him that he brought him along. When he approached the cat that was standing on the top of the couch he went to go pet her, "Hey little kitty." He said to the cat. Unfortunately though Naruto has never had any luck with feline's, it swatted at his hand in disapproval. "Tch of course."

"Don't take it personally, she doesn't like new comers." Sasuke laughed and picked up the cat from the couch, who in response purred and laying in his arms. Cats always seemed to like him no matter the circumstances, even him being new to the cat as well. Naruto smiled seeing him hold the kitten. "Cats just don't like me, I guess I have better luck with dogs." The blonde responded remembering back to Kiba's dog Akamaru, they always seemed to get along. "Funny, I never seem to have luck with dogs." Sasuke said as he put the cat down onto the floor, he walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a cup full of cat food before filling up her dish. Soon after he grabbed the water bowl and filled it up before placing it into the trey.

Suigetsu had promised him some weed in return for taking care of his cat while he's gone, but having Naruto with him made him question if he should smoke or not. He didn't smoke all the time and really he only did when it involved his friend, but there was times that he wished he had his own, and now that he does he felt weird doing it in front of Naruto. He made his way back to the living room where Naruto was sitting on the couch closest to the table where the wooden box was on. His stomach started to feel light and he began feeling nervous. " you smoke?"

It surprised Naruto when Sasuke asked him that, he looked at him with a bit of shock but remembered faintly from the party that Sasuke had definitely been high alongside being drunk. He knew he didn't mean cigarettes considering he would know if he did, but Naruto hadn't ever smoked weed before. It was rare that he drank and Sasuke has now seen him drunk twice. Granted he hadn't been that messed up at the party but he sure as hell was last night. "I've never tried." He said honestly, but also nervous to even bring it up.

"Do you care if I do?" Sasuke asked cautiously, the last thing he wanted was Naruto to disapprove of his actions and if he didn't want him being anywhere near apart of the devils lettuce then he would give it up in a heartbeat for him. Naruto only shook his head and smiled goofy like, "No! I don't mind at all. I knew you did from the way you looked at the party." He laughed, Sasuke had remembered back to the time he 'tripped' Naruto and responded with a smile. He clearly still hadn't remembered exactly what happened that night but Naruto was fully past it considering they were dating now.

"Did you want to try?" Sasuke asked again cautiously, he didn't want to pressure him into doing it but if there was a chance he actually did want to try, why not be his first high buddy.

Naruto looked at Sasuke with a hint of concern. He was worried Sasuke was gonna ask him that and he hadn't exactly determined if it was something he wanted to try or just watch him do. "Um.." he hesitated long enough for Sasuke to smile and shake his head. "It's okay, I'm not gonna tell you to do it. Only if you want to okay?" He asked not letting the smile go to reassure him.

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