It was in the middle of the afternoon when Itachi knocked on his little brothers door hoping for some kind of response so there was no need for him to go in. "Yeah?" He heard the younger one call out to him from behind the door. "Lunch is ready, come down." Itachi responded with a soft smile, he was happy that Sasuke sounded happy."We'll be right there." Sasuke got up from their resting spot after spending what he would call quality time together. Time that was needed, they both got their emotions out that was boiling inside them.
"Here." Sasuke handed over some folded clothes to the blonde who was completely wrapped in the red comforter. He managed to slip his hands out and grab the clothes before questioning the raven. "Aren't you gonna take a shower?"
Sasuke shook his head in response, he was supposed to take one as soon as he got home but their little activities delayed that chance. "Let's each lunch then we can take one together." He said with a sweet smile on his face. His statement though only made Naruto blush, they hadn't ever done that before and if the blonde was being honest with himself it made him nervous to think about showering together. Instead of disagreeing he found himself nodding his head in response.
The two got dressed and made their way downstairs where they met up with Itachi already sitting at the table. It was a sub kind of day, they all had sandwiches and some chips on the side with glasses of water. "Thank you for the food." Naruto said just before sitting down. His politeness was never looked over, Itachi enjoyed having him around and his well mannered attitude. It brought more light in their gloomy Uchiha residence. "You're very welcome."
They all ate in mostly silence. For Sasuke it was nice that nobody talked about the accident, or anything pertaining to it. It wasn't something he wanted to think about or even discuss. There was however simple conversation regarding when Sasuke would return to work, they came to an agreement that the following week both him and Naruto would return. A small part of Sasuke wondered whether Suigetsu quit or if he was fired so he couldn't help but want to ask, instead of bringing it up rather he kept quiet.
When the three finished up Itachi grabbed everyone's plates just as Sasuke's phone vibrated. It surprised him in general to get a message considering the only people he ever texted were right there with him, of course other than Suigetsu but for obvious reasons they were no longer friends.
2:32PM—Karin: Suigetsu is in the hospital. I hope it wasn't you who did this.
Sasuke's eyes widened in shock, he was more surprised to see that Suigetsu was in the hospital than he was Karin texting him at all. He glanced over at Naruto who was looking at him with confusion. "Suigetsu is in the hospital." Sasuke said, catching not only the blonde but also the older Uchiha who over heard from the kitchen by surprise.
Naruto was conflicted on whether or not to say anything, he didn't want to tell Sasuke about what happened especially if Itachi was keeping it from him. His blue eyes shifted over to Itachi who walked back into the dining room. "Strange I wonder what happened." With Itachi's statement it assured Naruto then to not say anything at all.
"Yeah me too...Karin texted me which is really weird." The younger responded, Naruto's whole world came to a crashing holt when he heard that name. Karin? Isn't that the same girl that Sasuke was in love with? Naruto thought to himself and went over the details that Suigetsu provided to him the night of the party. His stomach turned over and he felt this feeling of confusion.
Sasuke huffed before returning his attention to his device, which was clear to Itachi and Naruto that he was going to ask for further into the matter.
2:40PM—Sasuke: What happened?

Honest Mistake SASUNARU
Fanfiction🔞⚠️ After high school, Naruto became a full time mechanic in a near by shop. Money was getting tight from the lack of income, which was concerning to say the least. But he worked his way through the struggles, while also falling in love with his sc...