Chapter 22: Sakura

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What a way to be high for the first time. Naruto's heart started beating extremely fast, he's had this happen before and he was certain he was having an anxiety attack. He listened to his friend crying on the phone practically screaming.

"Where are you?!"

Naruto yelled back trying to find a location so he could go to her. He was freaking out just as bad as she was and he wasn't even there. He rushed over to the kitchen where he had seen a white board previously, he quickly jotted down a near by address as to where she was.

"Okay I'll be there soon, Sakura it's okay!"

"Okay bye."

He hung up and looked at Sasuke with worry, he pointed at the white board and practically begged Sasuke to take him there. "Can you please take me here." Naruto pleaded.

Sasuke quickly put the address into his phone and hit go on his GPS. "Town square? Why what happened?" He grabbed his keys from his pocket and opened the front door. "Sakura and Ino got into an accident." He responded walking through the front door, Sasuke barely locked Suigetsu's house up and placed the key back under the mat before getting into his car. "Are they okay?" Sasuke asked as he turned the engine over and pulled out of the drive way.

Naruto buckled up in the process while panicking to himself. He knew Sakura was okay from the sound of it but he wasn't so sure about Ino. "I don't really know, she was crying hysterically." His hands started to shake from the anxiety pouring through him, just minutes ago he was really enjoying his time with Sasuke but with one phone call it changed the script entirely.

They road in silence with the windows down, Naruto tried to get his head on straight knowing he was about to be around a bunch of cops. By the time they pulled up to the scene, Naruto could see Sakuras car practically wrapped around a tree, his heart dropped instantly. He was really happy to see Sakura by the ambulance but Ino wasn't in site.

Sasuke parked the car off the side of the road and they both got out chucking it towards their friend.

"Sakura!" Naruto yelled out as he was stopped by a police officer who was just trying to do his job by blocking the area off. "That's my friend let me go!" Naruto argued with the officer, Sasuke tried to pull on Naruto's arm to tell him to stop but it was no use. Finally Sakura spotted him and ran over to him. "Naruto! Sasuke!" She swooped under the yellow tape that was between them and pulled them into a very tight hug. "Are you okay?" Sasuke asked her, she was still crying heavily, her eyes were puffy and she had cuts, scratches, and bruises all over. "I'm fine but..." She pulled away from their grasp and tucked herself with the white blanket that the medics provided.

"They said Ino died... on impact.." She could barely make out the words and when Naruto's ears heard her say that his stomach completely dropped, goosebumps were scorching through his veins. "No.." He whispered. But it was true, Sakura went over what happened trying to hold it together, but she was a hot mess.

"We were driving...well I was driving...and this car was coming over into our lane from the other direction and...and I...turned the wheel too hard to swerve out of the way and lost control. We rolled twice before hitting the tree." Her heart was shattered and her friend was gone. It destroyed every drop of innocence she had. Guilt was taking over like nothing she ever imagined. Naruto pulled her into a hug and squeezed her, letting her pour her tears out on his shoulder. She barely made out the rest of the story. "When we hit the tree...the car was on its side and the top of it was crimped around the tree, she was in the passenger side which was on the ground...when I opened my eyes I saw her just bleeding...all over..." She started crying heavily again.

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