Chapter 38: About Time

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"My boyfriend." Naruto said with a quiet voice, he wondered how his godfather would take it being as he always assumed he liked girls. Jiraiya's face didn't seem to change in expression only in color. He was surprised to hear it to say the least but it wasn't all that shocking. "Oh." He said with comfort to show he wasn't disappointed. When he realized the fact of it being someone Naruto liked or maybe even loved, he started to feel bad. He understood now why the blonde was acting the way he was. He understood that it must of been devastating.

"What's his condition?" Jiraiya asked only knowing that the guy he was with was the one driving, he hadn't paid much attention to any other details. "He's in critical condition...still unconscious...head trauma...the whole nine yards." Naruto said as he could only shrug. He still hasn't grasped everything that happened or what was happening to Sasuke. "I see."

Jiraiya brought a hand up to his chin as if thinking, "You know if I remember correctly your grandmother Tsunade is the head of the trauma unit. Sasuke is in great hands no doubt." Even with the little information he knows, his words seemed to calm the blonde.

"I'll make sure to stop by there and get some intel on Sasuke's well being." Naruto only nodded with a half a smile, if there was any chance he could find out anything it would change his demeanor in an instant. "Thank you Jiraiya." He said with a more upbeat tone.

They spent the last hour of visiting time together talking about Sasuke mainly, Jiraiya wanted to know who the guy was. When he heard Itachi's name be brought up it clicked in his head who Sasuke was. "Uchiha? That's Kakashi's first apprentice." He was referring to Itachi being the first one that Kakashi trained to be a mechanic in his shop. He'd know Kakashi of course through school and Naruto's father. It only started to make sense that Sasuke was Itachi's little brother, the second apprentice that Kakashi took on. "What a coincidence." He finished before getting ready to leave.

"Would you like me to help you to the bathroom?" He asked cautiously, there was no way Naruto was moving on his own in fact he hadn't even been cleared to get out of bed yet anyway. He was sure he still had a catheter in which was weird enough for him. "No that's okay. I'll call the nurse in tomorrow." He said before adjusting as best as he could. "Alright then...till next time kid." His godfather said before getting up and leaving Naruto to rest.

It was eight at night and Naruto knew no one else could come to visit. He had been sleeping so long that he was wide awake and to him that was a problem. The hospital is creepy and even more so when your alone.

When ten hit the clock he received a message. He quickly grabbed his phone after hearing it vibrate on the little table by his bed.

10:13PM—Itachi: Hey you up?

His eyes widened at the name on his phone, it was very out of the ordinary for Itachi to be messaging out of anyone else. Nonetheless he responded.

10:15PM—Naruto: Yeah everything okay?

He started to worry when he hadn't received a message just yet, he had been anxious the minute the man texted him.

10:21PM—Itachi: If it's alright with you I'm going to come visit tomorrow. I think we should talk. But if you have a plethora of visitors coming it can wait.

Naruto immediately responded, there was no doubt he wanted him to come and visit, it was important, he wanted to know as soon as possible what it was Itachi wanted to discuss.

10:22PM—Naruto: I'll be here! See you tomorrow.

As much as he wanted to ask him then and there what it was he knew Itachi enough to know he likes to talk in person, it's hard to read one's true emotions through a text.

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