Chapter 35: Sabotage

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His pants pocket vibrated making his focus on Suigetsu be interrupted, he pulled it out to read the message removing his hazy eyes from the man.

11:10PM—Sasuke: Dobe?

The concern that was visible in the text from his boyfriend made him shiver. He began typing a response to assure him that he was fine, however before even being able to click send on his response he was distracted by a feeling of surrounding. His blue eyes lifted from his phone to see Suigetsu had made his way to him within little time. The man was standing in front of him, causing the blonde to back into the counter behind him. He quickly put his phone away not realizing that he hadn't sent his message to Sasuke.

"You look like your having fun." Suigetsu said with a smile on his lips, he was coming across very friendly which Naruto caught on to. Without cornering him like he had normally done Suigetsu decided it was best to play this one nice. He moved to the blondes side and rested his back end against the counter as well. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and huffed as if exhausted. "I'm surprised to see you here honestly..." Naruto was surprised to hear how mellow he sounded, he almost mistook it for kindness. The alcohol he had consumed in the last three hours was enough to make him feel drunk, and not just tipsy but actually drunk. He tried to keep his composure and hide the fact how intoxicated he was.

"How come?" He asked, starting to relax from the tension between them, it seemed Suigetsu was good at making an awkward situation more friendly which luckily he needed especially in the state of mind he was in. "Well..." Those infamous purple eyes looked at Naruto giving him direct eye contact. "It seems you're here alone."

Naruto nervously took a sip of his drink, not that he needed anymore but wanted to avoid that statement however, that was inevitable. "So I'm right then." Suigetsu was pleased to find out that he indeed was correct. A small smirk lifted on his lips, one that Naruto hadn't noticed. "Good." The man said as he leaned his shoulder over and gently used it to push the blondes shoulder. "Maybe we can be friends now." The small gesture was lightly taken, it took him a minute to comprehend before he abruptly responded with a nod. His phone buzzed in his pocket again after a few minutes from the previous text, he pulled his phone out as Suigetsu had still been leaning against his shoulder.

11:15PM—Sasuke: Naruto...I'm worried about you.

"Ohhhh I see, he doesn't know?" Suigetsu said dragging out his voice as he corrected his posture and stood up straight. Naruto only locked his phone and put it back in his pocket. He didn't want Suigetsu to see that his boyfriend had been texting him, naturally he didn't want to talk about Sasuke because he was drunk. At this point Naruto probably would believe anything the man said. Leaving him in a bad position as it was obvious the white haired man wouldn't let it go. "Tch...what are you gonna do? Rat me out?" Naruto snarled back before chugging the rest of the fluid in his cup. He was getting to the point that everything was starting to spin. His words were clear but were beginning to fumble into each other.

"Of course not. Why would I? Hm." It almost seemed like the man took offense to that, as if he would give up this opportunity to spend time with him. "You know...Sasuke broke my friend Karin's heart. He told her he loved her, and then just broke up with her a week later. When I said those things about him I wasn't just saying it out of spite. He's unpredictable and when it comes to relationships he's got no clue how to handle them." Naruto was astonished to hear that, he knew of Karin but didn't know that Sasuke had been in a relationship with her. He turned around to face the counter and pour himself another drink, he took it upon himself to get a new cup and pour one out for Suigetsu, as if trying to show that he was interested in talking.

Suigetsu didn't hesitate to take the cup from him in fact he only found himself getting closer to the blonde who which hadn't noticed. "What about you and Jugo? Wouldn't you say your unpredictable too? From what Sasuke told me, you can't seem to stay in a relationship to save your life, and Jugo only sticks around because he loves you." Naruto started off rather harsh, if he was being honest he was curious to know more about the man. "Even if you cheat or have sex with someone while with him he still stays around."

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