Chapter 10: Heart VS. Brain

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When Monday came it went by just as fast as the weekend, Naruto couldn't quite figure out if it was from enjoying work or if it was because Sasuke made it better. They continued to act normal around each other despite the awkward weekend, including the awkward situation at the party. Neither of the two shared anymore conversations via text, or outside of work. Anything they said to one another was at their job. However, by the time Thursday came around, Naruto was starting to think that the two had become friends. It was clear that Sasuke wasn't letting his guard down anytime to soon to openly say that they were friends, but he showed enough to confirm it without using words.

After Naruto's scheduled time for work was over he packed up his things and began walking towards the main office to clock out. Sasuke was standing at the computer screen they use to punch in and out, he was typing in his employee number when he heard the doors that connected the office and the shop open, catching his attention he shifted his head to the direction of the sound. His face was neutral not showing much of any emotion before he proceeded to clock out. When he was done he moved out of the way in the tiny space behind the desk with his back pressed against the wall leaving enough space for Naruto to move past. The area was very small and not really meant for two people.

Without thinking Naruto stepped forward, rotating his body side ways so his back slid across the edge of the desk, his front facing Sasuke as he slipped past. When he began typing in his number he noticed Sasuke hadn't left yet. He turned to look at him after hitting the clock out button. "What's up?" Naruto asked not moving any further. He didn't want to have to slide past the man again, he felt that might be a little awkward. "You still coming over Saturday?" Sasuke asked with an expression that told Naruto he wouldn't take no for an answer. Their eyes were locked as the blonde swallowed harshly.

It was the first time that Sasuke had said anything about their weekend, it may have been a simple question but it was enough to refresh both of their minds about the events that happened. Including the text messages. "Yeah of course...wouldn't miss it you know?" Naruto said feeling like he might have been a little too honest expressing that he was excited to go. He rubbed the back of his head with a dorky smile. His stomach felt pinched on the inside, but it didn't stop him from showing he was happy. Sasuke only smirked to himself, in the slightest, enough for Naruto to catch a glimpse of before he turned to walk out of the waiting room door.

Naruto couldn't help but think about the previous weekend on his way home from work. His legs felt like jello while he rotated the pedals to his bike with his feet. He kept his head down a majority of the ride only looking up for traffic lights and other pedestrians or bikers. When he got home he prepped his usual ramen for the night before he sat on his couch and ate his dinner. He flipped on the television for the news to come up. There was another breaking news story on the news channel that only seemed to be a bad story just as all the rest. As usual he changed it over to his streaming app and began watching an action/drama show he started earlier in the week.

He propped his legs up onto the coffee table and leaned back, enjoying his ramen while also enjoying the show. This was apart of his routine, everyday same thing. It had almost gotten to the point that he'd already watched every interesting show, but since work has taken up most of his time he only gets to watch after the day is practically over.

When he finished he cleaned up most of his mess, by cleaning he really just moved it to the kitchen with the other messes he told himself he 'cleaned'. After his shower he dried himself off and got into his pajamas that basically consisted of boxers and a plain orange shirt. He heard his phone go off in the living room indicating he got a text, which was not normal to say the least. Anytime anyone texted him it usually meant a party or something was wrong with Sakura. The thought of something wrong with his best friend always made him leap for his phone. He picked it up from the cushion and stood there reading the message.

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