Chapter 30: One Photo

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Sasuke stood there as his brother scolded him for his actions in the shop. He remained quiet while the older of the two continued nailing him for everything that could have or could go wrong from the foul play. Ignoring his words he pulled his phone out just as he planned before to check on Naruto. When he saw there was no messages he sighed before glaring up at his brother. "Itachi.." his voice was mild, enough to show that he wasn't in any mood to argue with him.

"What is it?... Are you finally gonna to tell me what's going on?" His brother pleaded in hopes that he'd explain himself. Sasuke frowned while the anger in him started to turn, he tried not to worry about the whereabouts of Naruto but it only seemed to increase with concern the longer it went without a response back. He took this time of disarray to explain his intentions with Suigetsu.

"Fine... I'll explain..." Sasuke's voice only seemed to lower which surprised Itachi. He hadn't expected him to calm down as quick as he did, which is where he started to wonder if there was something more going on then just this tassel he had with another worker.

Sasuke went on explaining the events with a monotone voice, his eyes were looking across the parking lot as if searching for a blonde riding a bike. Itachi followed his eyes attempting to see what he may be searching for but when he had no luck he cut Sasuke off. "Okay, I get it." He felt there was no reason for him to explain the way Suigetsu clearly provoked him. His only concern now was where the blonde headed boyfriend of his brothers was.

"Now...Where is Naruto?" Itachi asked redirecting his concern from Sasuke's friend to Naruto. Sasuke only pulled his phone out once more and dialed his number before pulling the phone up to his ear. It's rang once, then twice, and continued to ring till it went to voice mail. He clicked it over to speaker allowing his brother to hear the voicemail system,

"Hey! It's Naruto! Sorry I'm not near my phone, leave a message and I might call you back you know? Alright thanks!" BEEP!

Sasuke hit the end button before a voicemail could be left behind. His heart seemed to sink further towards his stomach. He hadn't even had the slightest answer for Itachi on the whereabouts of his lover and only hoped everything was okay.

"Go check on him." Itachi said as he placed his hands in his pockets keeping his site forward. Sasuke glanced at him in search of anything other than the mild tone he had said that in. When he was unsuccessful reading his brothers motives he nodded in response and headed towards his car, before he was to far he turned around and glanced once more time at his brother. "Thank you...Itachi."

The ride to Naruto's house wasn't long thankfully and by the time he got there he managed to get upstairs even faster. He didn't even bother to text or call again, instead he lifted up his hand and knocked on the door. He waited for a while in hopes he would hear some kind of sound of life. When there was nothing he knocked again this time louder. Silence. He started banging on the door and yelling out his name. "Naruto!" His heart started to patter. He turned around and looked over the hallway balcony to see if his bike was locked up down stairs. To his surprise it was, which only meant Naruto was inside. "Damn it."

He turned back to the door and began using both hands to bang on it. "Damn it Naruto! Open up!" The sound of the door being hit echoed the hall, it seemed to disturb the next door neighbor enough to open her door and look at the cause of the sound. "Could you shut up! Some people aren't ready to be awake yet!" Sasuke bowed his head at the little old lady that yelled at him. "My apologies." Sasuke said before she walked back inside.

What the hell Naruto? Why aren't you answering? He thought to himself as terror started kicking in. He started checking around the door frame to see if there may be a spare key that he didn't know about, but unfortunately, when he came to the conclusion that there was no key, he grabbed the door handle. He winced slightly when the door knob turned with his twist. Are you serious? He thought as he opened up the door and walked in. All of the shades were closed making it very dark inside. He quickly searched the house before going to his room. This is where he finally saw the mess of a boyfriend sprawled out onto the bed. "Tch."

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