Chapter 32: NO CALLER ID

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Shortly after their quick make out session Naruto had come out of it with a few tears. "You don't need to cry about it." Sasuke said as he wiped the tears that nearly slid down his tanned face. Naruto held his position on top of the raven with a smile creeping over his lips. "I'm sorry it's just.." He started to explain himself as he pulled back his arms bringing the bolt heart in front of him. "It may seem like such a small gesture to you...but to me it's something I've only ever dreamed of getting." Naruto's words hit Sasuke in a way that nearly ached his heart. When he thought about it, he realized that not once had he ever bought or made something for a girlfriend.

"I envied you in high school every time you got a love letter or candy from the girls that drooled over you. Even when they made you things you would just toss it, and all I ever wished for was for someone to care about me like they cared about you." A few sniffles escaped his lips while trying to explain what he was feeling. "Naruto.." Sasuke let out his name with a soft tone, he could feel the warmth in the blondes voice.

Sasuke just wanted to wrap him up in his arms and squeeze him like a stuffed animal. The warm fuzzy feeling he got from seeing how happy Naruto was from the bolt really made him ecstatic. What he thought of just a mild gesture ended up being something that would change the blondes life forever.

They spent their time together wisely, talking about the things they wished they had done in high school or what they shouldn't of done. The raven wished he hadn't bullied him and rather accept him to be friends in the beginning, and Naruto regretted never sticking up for himself and fighting back, maybe then he would've at least struck a nerve in his old time rival.

Before the two knew it the clock was closing in at 7:30PM, Sasuke knew Itachi had more than likely cooked dinner and ate already, he only hoped there was left overs as his stomach growled from hunger. "I should get going." He said as he grabbed the front of his shirt over his stomach, indicating that he was hungry. Naruto followed him to the front door where he would see him out. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hold you for so long." He said with a chuckle.

Their goodbye kiss was sweet and small, but just enough to remind the blonde how much Sasuke cares for him. He watched from his doorway every step the raven took down the stairs and to his car. He was admiring the view and couldn't help but feel something in his heart that told him there was more feelings towards him then just simply liking him.

In the middle of the night, more closer to midnight than not, Naruto woke up from his phone buzzing on his nightstand. He was groggy from just falling asleep only to be woken up. However that didn't stop him from leaning over and grabbing the device to see 'NO CALLER ID' shining bright on his phone. He sighed heavily before falling back onto his bed holding the phone up above his face. "Seriously? Scam call this late at night?" He asked himself before hitting the green button and answering.


The only noise he heard back was the sound of static, like a bad signal from an old TV.


Even with repeating himself there was nothing. He did notice though that his own voice echoed in the background. Almost like when you have someone call you in the same room as you and the crossover between the two devices interferes.

"Weird." He said as he clicked the red button. He hadn't put to much thought into and decided to leave it as is, he quickly placed his phone down after checking to make sure his alarm clock was set before dozing back to sleep.

What he hadn't expected to happen next was hearing that same static noise in his sleep. His body tossed and turned the remainder of the night and when he finally woke up from the horrible noise in his head, he couldn't go back to sleep. The clock was now at 4:00AM, three hours before he actually has to get up. All he hoped for was just another hour of sleep, at minimum. But unfortunately his body said otherwise, almost as if telling him to stay up and be aware. "What the hell..." Was the only words he mumbled to himself as he stared up at the ceiling.

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