"What?" Sasuke questioned again stopping in his tracks. He was trying to process not only what he saw but what he just heard too. His heart that had been cracking was starting to shake. It felt as if an earthquake was taking place in his chest.
"I love you." Naruto repeated himself, he needed Sasuke to hear it before leaving. He knew anything else he says won't come out properly and more than likely will become twisted. He dared to move closer and remained still with his eyes locked on his shoes. He couldn't bare to see Sasuke hurt let alone letting the raven see him in his state of mind. He was confused with everything Suigetsu said, but he was starting to understand that he had been lied to, Suigetsu wasn't telling him the truth, he was telling him what he thought Naruto needed to hear in order to convince him that Sasuke doesn't love him, that it was a hoax. "I know you don't believe me right now...but I do love you...and what happened inside was strictly an accident. He got pushed into me." Naruto started to explain and knew that he was walking on thin ice.
"I didn't even know he was here." Naruto finished before sniffling. Sasuke still hadn't believed a word he said but the part where he openly admitted love, he did believe. He knew deep down how much Naruto loved him, even with what had happened he was certain what they have is real. "Would you believe me if you saw me kissing someone else?" Sasuke asked not loosening up from anger in the slightest. Naruto looked up at him and frowned even more. He shook his head knowing he'd be feeling the same way if it was him in his shoes.
"I didn't think so." After his last statement it fell silent between them, Sasuke wanted to take off and leave but he knew he couldn't just abandon Naruto the way he was. Even with his own self being drunk he knew Naruto was too. It felt like hours had passed with them just standing there, but in reality it was only a few minutes. The front door had opened and someone they didn't know was walking out with their keys in hand waving back inside as if saying goodbye to their friends. Naruto moved out of the way off the walking path to let them pass. "Naruto." Sasuke said as he waved him over to the sidewalk, leaving no room to think the blonde headed over to him.
The person who came outside got into their car and left, leaving them be once again. "I'll drive you home...Kiba can bring your bike over tomorrow." He said as he started walking to his car that was down the street. The clouds started dropping rain which only caused them both to get wet. Naruto threw up his hood as they walked even though his hair had fallen and was no longer spiky. All he could think was what Sasuke was thinking, are they over? All because of an honest mistake.
He stopped in his tracks and called out to him. "Sasuke." The raven stopped as well and turned around to look at him, even with the rain falling harder he didn't mind getting to see Naruto look at him the way he was.
"Will you grow old with me?" He asked giving him his full gaze. His heart was racing when he asked knowing well that Sasuke was furious with him.
The raven was shocked to hear him ask such a question especially after what just happened. He didn't have an answer for the blonde because he didn't know how to say yes. All he wants is for them to grow old together, to be together, and to love one another but all he could think was the flashback to Naruto kissing Suigetsu. "Hn." Was his only response. He couldn't find the words to express how much he wanted all of the good things. He didn't even know if they should continue dating after such an event. He turned around and continued walking with Naruto only following behind from a distance. Tears started falling down his cheeks once again, he was certain it was over, all the happiness he felt before was surely gone.
When they made it to the car Sasuke started it up without saying a word to him, he hadn't even bothered to buckle up, he quickly put it in drive and squealed his tires in the process. The roads were wet now from the rain and his wipers were on full speed. Naruto stayed quiet not wanting to cause any more tension between them but Sasuke couldn't help but ask questions. He needed answers before going to sleep that night.

Honest Mistake SASUNARU
Fanfiction🔞⚠️ After high school, Naruto became a full time mechanic in a near by shop. Money was getting tight from the lack of income, which was concerning to say the least. But he worked his way through the struggles, while also falling in love with his sc...