The last time he had been at a party was the graduation one. Naruto had gotten so drunk that night and lost track of where his pink haired friend went, when he went looking for her he opened up most of the upstairs rooms to check for her. That was when his last encounter with Sasuke was, he opened up a door to one of the guest bedrooms where he found Sasuke sitting on the edge of a bed and a random girl with dark hair like his own, was on her knees giving him, what seemed to be, the worst blow job in the world. At the time Sasuke didn't seem to be enjoying it, in fact after he walked in on them, he slammed the door only for it to be opened seconds later.When Naruto was making his way down the hall to the staircase he heard Sasuke call out to him. When he turned around he saw Sasuke panting after chasing after him and calling out his name. His clothes were back to normal as if he literally pushed the girl off and got dressed within seconds. Naruto remembers backing up as Sasuke approached him and his back hit the wall to the hallway, Sasuke stood directly in front of him before placing a hand against the wall beside his head. That's when he remembers Sasuke saying, "In case you were wondering...I like blondes." His voice was soft and in a whisper tone as if compensating the fact he looked unpleased by the women. After that Naruto just remembered feeling his stomach floating, he quickly pushed himself off the wall and nudged Sasuke's shoulder before running downstairs and leaving the party. That night he walked home, and that night was the last time he saw Sasuke.
He never brought it up especially since they started working together, nor would he ever consider bringing it up now. When they made it to the door Sasuke held it open for him, "Thanks." Naruto responded simply. As expected Sasuke didn't respond, instead he swiftly moved past Naruto in search of his friend. Sasuke wanted to make sure he found him before he made a complete fool of himself. Leaving Naruto to figure out what to do for himself.
"Hey Naruto!" He heard his name be called out from the distance and muffled under the loud music bouncing off the walls. He had a red plastic cup filled with what he assumed to be fruit punch and vodka, when he turned around to search for the person who called his name, he could see his pink haired friend making her way over to him. "Sakura! This party is huge!" He said with a big smile before lifting up his drink to his lips and taking a swig. He had already consumed at least a third of the cup. "Right? I only invited like half of these people, but it's okay! Did Sasuke come with you and Kiba?" She asked, Naruto only nodded his head, she clearly knew Kiba was there if he was there. She asked Naruto where Sasuke had went and considering he wasn't necessarily paying attention he just scoped the area to see if he could spot him.
He pointed off in the direction of the kitchen where he saw Suigetsu flipped upside down and held up by surrounding people, taking his first keg chug. "I think he went to look for him." He said before the background noise of people chanting "CHUG CHUG CHUG" took over. Sakura only frowned when she realized who Sasuke was really looking for in hopes that it was her he was trying to find. "Right... Suigetsu... guess I should've known." She said before throwing up a hand. "Thanks Naruto.. hope you have a good night okay? Enjoy yourself!" She said before taking off again. He couldn't blame her for leaving him there, it was her party after all and the host needs to be moving to make sure nothing is getting stolen or broken.
The blonde found himself comfortable on the sofa in the living room downstairs, it was a large L-Shaped one that fit the room perfectly. He sat on the smaller part of the couch while two separate couples cuddled on the bigger part. He was on his third cup of the mystery punch, nearing the bottom of it. The more he drank the more he realized how much stronger it seemed to be getting. As if someone just kept adding alcohol and no more juice to go with it. He mainly scrolled on his phone but every so often he'd look up to see who was around. Kiba was actually talking to that girl he really liked in middle school, Hinata, and she was smiling so he knew the conversation must have been going well. Considering the rareness of them two being in the same room together he decided to leave them be.

Honest Mistake SASUNARU
Fanfiction🔞⚠️ After high school, Naruto became a full time mechanic in a near by shop. Money was getting tight from the lack of income, which was concerning to say the least. But he worked his way through the struggles, while also falling in love with his sc...