Chapter 43: Unknown

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The night went by very subtle, the halls of the hospital whispered with eeriness leaving no room for comfort for anyone. Most people don't like hospitals naturally and the ones that worked there were one of the first to despise the nighttime. Naruto had peacefully fallen asleep, his body tossed and turned in bed while his leg was at a point that even in dreamland he didn't feel pain. Sasuke on the other hand was having a very hard time sleeping. It wasn't because of pain however, he just couldn't stop thinking about the blondes persona and the words he said. It was unlike him, something that was unfamiliar. He tossed and turned with his brain racing.

To Sasuke's surprise he hadn't been feeling the pain he once felt earlier in the day. Not just his head but his heart as well. Both things seemed to simultaneously dissipate after the events that occurred earlier. Even though Sasuke didn't know about Naruto's strange healing abilities, he did however question how the blonde was able to move around, as if there was no incision or puncture to his thigh. It was definitely no coincidence that after Naruto touched him that his pain had disappeared.

It was now pushing three in the morning, and his eyelids were becoming heavy. He refused to fight the sleep that was trying to take over, using it to his advantage was best case scenario. When he finally fell asleep the morning came just shortly after.

Naruto woke up to his usual tray of breakfast being dropped off by the nice nurse who had been taking care of him since his arrival. He yawned before looking at the young lady. "Thank you.." He paused for a moment before lifting his hand to grab her attention. He knew this was his last day in the hospital and wanted to thank her in a more appropriate way. "Excuse me...Sorry I um..." He nervously rubbed the back of his head as the nurse stopped and looked at him from the door with a smile on her face.

"I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me and Sasuke. I'm leaving today and I wasn't sure if I'd get the chance to thank you again." He bowed his head at her even though he was sitting in bed getting ready to eat. His politeness wasn't unseen. "Why thank you Mr. Uzumaki. I appreciate it." Her smile grew with gratitude as she bowed to him as well, shortly after making her leave Naruto began eating his food just as he would any other day.

The blonde was thinking back to what he said to Sasuke and Itachi yesterday, he knows that he may have said to much or maybe even more so opened up to them to much. What's lurking inside him is something that only him and his godfather are aware of. It's something about him he's kept hidden from anyone, something he himself hasn't fully understood, no matter the case it gave him the courage to say exactly what he was thinking yesterday. He was grateful he was able to express himself, and he wasn't lying about taking care of Suigetsu himself in fact he had already planned on doing something to accommodate for the ruthless behavior from the man.

After his breakfast he figured he should begin to take action now before anyone tries to stop him. He pulled out his phone and began texting the one person he knew he could trust in his evil plan making.

8:30AM—Naruto: Hey...I need a favor.

He waited patiently for a response, he was glad to see that his friend was quick to message him back. It was just the beginning.

8:36AM—Kiba: Hey what's up?

A small grin appeared on the tan man's face, there was some sort of confidence boost that poured through his veins, surprisingly a boost that didn't seem to stop even after yesterday.

8:40AM—Naruto: Give me Suigetsu's number.

Kiba was at work at his station which was neighboring to Suigetsu's, when Naruto asked. His eyes shifted from his phone over to the white haired man who head been in the middle of an oil change. "Tch..." He clicked his teeth out of anger that the man wasn't the one who got hurt after what happened. Without second thought as to why Naruto wanted his number, he sent it over to the blonde, only figuring that it has to be an out of spite reason that he asked for it.

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