Chapter 7: One Bed

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It hadn't been but a few minutes before Itachi opened the door. Sasuke wasn't accompanying him so Naruto assumed he had been laid down and was sleeping it off already. "I drove Sasuke home and forgot I have his keys." He said while handing them over to the man. Itachi looked at the keys and then back up at Naruto before frowning slightly. "So how are you getting home?" He asked with concern obvious in his voice. He hadn't even thought to ask how he got Sasuke home.

"Oh, I live just a block over, I'll walk." Naruto said with a half smile. He hadn't really expected the other man to question him. In response Itachi's frown only seemed to grow. He sighed heavily before opening the door further and moving to the side. "Come on, stay here for the night. Leave in the morning when the sun is up." He said while gesturing for Naruto to come inside which only surprised the blonde. He hesitated before denying the offer but before he even got a chance to argue the suggestion, Itachi shook his head. "Don't even think about saying no, you just started at the shop and the last thing I need is for you to go missing on my watch." He said pulling the brotherly motive.

It was inevitable that Naruto would win the argument, Itachi was older and more dominant than him. He knew better than to argue anyway considering if the man was anything like his brother, then it was certain he'd lose. It was silent between the two for just a moment before Naruto took the initiative to step forward and in through the front door. It was cold inside the house and very dark, in the distance he could see an oven light on in the kitchen that was enough to illuminate most of the living space. There was a couch in the living room that a dark figure was laying on taking up the space he assumed he was going to occupy.

"Sasuke didn't bother making it to his room, so I guess you could sleep up there." He said while pointing towards the staircase. "You mean in Sasuke's room?" Naruto asked with a sign of confusion, it was only momentarily but he was certain his heart just skipped a beat. His thoughts immediately began to take over, Sleep? In Sasuke's room?!

Itachi didn't see any problem with his suggestion, he looked back at Naruto with a questioning look, wondering why he seemed so confused. "Well yeah, we don't have a guest room, only an office." Itachi started to walk towards the staircase as his room was also upstairs, he figured he'd show him the way to Sasuke's room. Naruto was silent the entire way up the staircase as he followed behind the older Uchiha. This definitely was the last ending that Naruto imagined would happen tonight.

When they made it to the top of the staircase there was a door directly in front of them that was open, "Bathroom." Itachi said before turning towards the left and down the hall. He reached forward and grabbed the door handle to the room Naruto guessed was Sasuke's. "Here,oh and I can only offer one piece of advice. Don't touch anything." He said with a more stern voice than the voice he used downstairs, dragging out almost every word of the sentence. Naruto swallowed harshly before looking into the room while walking in. It was slightly lit up from a desk light on the right side of the room. The bed was off to the left of the room, king size. Abnormally large for just one person.

Itachi didn't stand around, not wanting to crowd Naruto, so he turned to walk down the hall to the direction of his own bedroom which was across from Sasuke's. To try and relax he quickly removed his shoes by the bedroom door, he hadn't realized he forgot to take them off when he first walked into the house. Keeping the door ajar but cracked was what he assumed would be most respectful. This wasn't his house or his room.

The blonde couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, his eyes scanned the room noticing the little things that definitely screamed Sasuke. There was a large vinyl sticker of the Uchiha emblem above the bed, which only fit the room perfectly, just as it did his car. The bed comforter was a dark navy blue, and the sheets were matching. It wasn't made, which made the feeling of discomfort even more intense. He wondered how Itachi made it seem like it was no big deal for him to sleep in his brothers bed. Or maybe he was making it more of an issue in his head then it really was.

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