Chapter 15: Rain Never Stops

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"Sasuke time to wake up." Itachi said while opening the door to his younger brothers room. It was ten in the morning and his brother had chores to do, he may be an adult now but there are still dishes and laundry that needs to be done. Sasuke groaned from under his blanket shuffling around trying to ignore his older brothers demands. "I did them last weekend, it's your turn." Itachi retaliated against his brothers weak attempt of ignoring him. When he saw that Sasuke wasn't moving to get up he welcomed himself in and grabbed the blanket, ripping it off and away from him. "Now." He said with a stern voice exposing Sasuke to the vibrant sunlight that came through the window.

"Okay fine I'll get up, now get out so I can get dressed." Sasuke sat up in his bed while pointing to his door insinuating that Itachi leaves. As asked, or directed, his older brother left shutting the door behind him giving Sasuke the privacy he needs to get dressed. He made his way over to his closet and picked out an outfit for the day, he knew the dinner was tonight but he didn't want to ruin those clothes by washing dishes. A black t-shirt with the shops name on it and black sweatpants was his choice of attire for doing chores. He hated doing really anything at all let alone cleaning, that was the last thing he'd choose to do.

Making his way down the stairs he could smell a sweet scent, the only thing he could think was his brother made breakfast, pancakes was his first guess. Before he reached the bottom of the stairs he remembered he forgot his phone upstairs, quickly he ran up to grab it and of course checking it before going back down. To his surprise there was a message. Or messages really.

3:02AM—Naruto:  I can't sleep...
3:04AM—Naruto:  I have so many questions..
3:05AM—Naruto:  What you said is ringing in my head like a stupid song.
3:07AM—Naruto:  I'm gonna try and sleep.
3:08AM—Naruto:  Goodnight Teme...

"Hn." Sasuke hummed to himself after reading the messages. Without responding he put his phone in his pocket and continued downstairs. At the table there was one single plate with two pancakes and a bottle of syrup next to it. Itachi was standing at the kitchen sink washing up the dishes from breakfast. "Eat up, there's cleaning that needs to get done before your boyfriend comes over." Itachi said teasingly, even though it was a joke Sasuke didn't find it funny. He hadn't opened up fully about his feelings for the blonde nor would he find himself admitting it to his brother. "Shut up." He responded before pouring syrup on to the hot cakes after sitting down.

Itachi chuckled to himself while finishing up the last pan that needed cleaning. The older Uchiha turned around and gave Sasuke a soft smile. "Thank you big brother for the breakfast, oh your very welcome Sasuke." He mocked before grabbing his keys to his car. "I've got to run to the shop Kakashi needs the tax information from the office, when I get back the rest of the dishes better be done." Without any more talking Itachi made his exit, leaving Sasuke to finish eating.

After a few minutes Sasuke finished his food and leaned back in the chair. He pulled his phone out after feeling it vibrate in his pants pocket.

10:33AM—Itachi: Let Naruto know dinner is at six and to not be late! Don't want to feed your boyfriend cold food, that would just be rude.

The impulsive teasing he was getting from his brother used to not bother him but now that things were more open between him and Naruto he felt a slight feeling of embarrassment. He scuffed before putting his phone back in his pocket. There was no way he was responding to that, it would only feed into Itachi's plans.

He began cleaning up the mess from his breakfast and shortly after he started cleaning up the remaining dishes from the last couple of nights. Sasuke was awful at keeping up with cleaning after eating. So when dishes started to pile up he'd leave them be till days like this.

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