Chapter 34: Lavender

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The rest of the week eased by, granted it was only two more days of work but enough to feel grateful for the weekend. It was now Friday afternoon, more closer to five, and Sasuke had been kind enough to offer Naruto a ride to and from work all week, including today. He had already clocked out and was waiting for the blonde in his car getting the AC running. It was summer and the temperature wasn't dropping any time soon.

On the inside of the shop the remaining employees were Shikamaru, Suigetsu, Naruto, Lee, and Kiba. The only two mechanics that were left for the day to close were Lee and Shikamaru. Everyone else was getting ready to leave. Kiba had finally gathered up his personal items needed for the week like his phone charger and some left overs he had from lunch, he made his way over to Naruto's station before leaving. "Hey." He slightly spooked Naruto as he has been on high alert ever since the whole situation with Suigetsu. Nonetheless he turned to greet his friend with a smile. "Oh hey, what's up?" He asked with curiosity, Kiba never really talked to him at work since, as everyone knows, work is an official place. Not somewhere to have goofy conversations.

"Eh, I was thinking we could hang out or something? Honestly I've been pretty lonely and Hinata isn't answering my messages...I think I might have pissed her off." He started to plea for sometime with his friend. "U-Um...well—" Before Naruto could argue Kiba interrupted him. "Don't say no! Please Naruto... we're having a small party at my house tonight just come would ya? I'll drive you home after?" The blue eyed man pondered for a moment, Kiba really had a way with talking him into things and from the looks of it he wasn't going to take no for an answer. Of course almost instantly he thought of Sasuke and frowned, he didn't want to disappoint him but at the same time he wanted to hang out with his friend.

"Okay. Fine...but under one condition." Naruto lifted his finger in argument to the brown haired man. "You don't tell Sasuke that it's a party. Only that we're hanging out. You and me. Okay?" He didn't want Sasuke knowing about it completely because he doesn't want him worrying about him. He's an adult and can handle his own actions plus if Sasuke comes it was certain that him and Kiba wouldn't hang out like he was picturing. "Deal." Kiba wouldn't even think twice to agreeing to that. However what he hadn't told Naruto was mostly everyone that works in the shop had already been invited, except for Sasuke and him. Of course that was until now. "Be at my house at eight okay?" Naruto nodded his head, that gave him plenty of time to get home and get ready, he hadn't minded riding his bike to Kiba's, he knew that his friend had a truck and could simply throw it in the bed to bring him home.

"Right, see you then!" He responded waving him goodbye. Kiba left rather quickly after that, he only imagined the liquor he needed to get together for this so called party. Knowing his friend he only assumed that it would be just a handful of close friends.

Naruto spent a little longer than normal gathering up his things, he was trying to think on how he would tell Sasuke. His eyes shifted to his desk as he examined the bolt, his heart was warm at the thought of his boyfriend making it for him. A small smile creeped up on his lips only for it to quickly fade when he heard a familiar voice approach him from behind. "So he made that for you?" Suigetsu said attempting to start a conversation as if friendly. Naruto grit his teeth before he turned around and glared at the man, quickly he felt a sudden boost of confidence before responding to him. "What of it?" His back was facing the desk as the man in front of him approached slowly. "Do you think he loves you?" He asked as if intimidating Naruto.

The simple question made his confidence boost drop dramatically, nearly knocking him off his feet. "I-...I don't know.." He responded unsure of an answer, it wasn't as if they had been together very long but mentally he figured long enough to where he could consider there being some form of love. He knew that the feeling of love had been more on his mind recently than none. But being asked it by someone who clearly either likes him or hates him was confusing. "Maybe you wanna reconsider your options before it's too late." Suigetsu said moving closer to the blonde.

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