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Steve's POV

It's Tony's birthday today. The whole team was up cleaning the tower and getting it ready for his party.

"Hey, have you seen Tony?" Natasha asked me. I shook my head.

"He's probably still in the lab. I checked on him and he's working on something big for the government. He hasn't been up in a few days," his best friend Rhodey answered.

I felt a tad bit of anger towards Rhodey. Okay, so maybe I was jealous. Jealous of all the time he gets to spend with Tony, the man of my dreams. I recently admitted my crush on him to myself.

I was blind to realize it before.

All the times my skin would get goosebumps when he grazed his arm on mine or the butterflies in my stomach when I hear his laugh. I'm not sure if Tony feels the same way though.

"Steve, you should go see what he's up to." She said. She also knew about my crush on Tony.

I looked at Rhodey and his eyes were already on me. I shrugged, "Okay."

I walked down to the lab, counting the steps to calm my racing heart. What was I supposed to say? What if he kicks me out?

I arrived at the glass door that was clearly locked. I knocked, not knowing what else to do. The door opened on it's own and I stepped in.


"I'm almost finished Rhode-" Tony stopped when he looked up from the machine on his desk. "Oh, Steve."

He doesn't want to see me. I knew it.

"Okay just um, come upstairs when you're done?"

Tony gave a slight smile and nodded.


It was 7p.m. now and Tony has not set foot outside that darn lab. Everyone was getting frustrated.

We got all the Avengers together to have a small party for his birthday and he acts like he doesn't remember his own birthday. Surely, Tony Stark would want to take advantage of all the attention he gets on his special day.

"I'm going to bring him up here," I stated and stood up from the couch. We were all sitting around with drinks in our hands in the middle of balloons and streamers with frowns on our faces. We looked like we were forced to be at this party.

When the team didn't stop me, I continued walking back down to the lab. I knocked on the glass door harder this time. It opened letting the cool air from the lab out. I walked in determined to bring Tony upstairs.

"Tony," I called out.

No response.

I started looking around the lab. I couldn't find him anywhere. I was about to leave when I heard something knocked over and landing with a small bang.

"Tony?" I'm starting to worry. Where is that man? I saw the machine part that fell from Tony's desk. I bent down to pick it up when I spotted a small man under the table huddled over blueprints.

"Tony, what are you doing?" I placed the machine back on the desk before reaching out for him.

He didn't move. I kneeled down beside him waiting for him to notice me. He just kept looking at the papers and tapping a pencil to his forehead.

Slowly, I reached out and touched his hand. He flinched away but it got his attention. He looked at me with slightly red eyes. His hair was a beautiful mess with some strands falling in his face.

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