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Help someone! I can't stop writing!

Here's a one-shot requested by my lovely reader linnerhugs2020 !

I know what you're thinking!

What could this one shot possibly be about? *smirks*

Well read and find out! XD

3rd Person POV

"Why does he have to come? Shouldn't he be on bed rest or something?" Tony whined to his super soldier boyfriend.

"Sweetheart, you know why. Bucky is just as capable of fighting as the rest of us," Steve said brushing some of Tony's brown hair out of his pouting face.

Tony didn't want to admit but he was a bit intimidated by the Winter Soldier. He was big and buff like Steve but completely opposite when it come to cute and cuddly.

Tony loved curling up on the couch with Steve and whispering sweet nothings to one another.

He hadn't even seen Bucky crack a real smile.

"I agree with Stark," Pietro said coming up behind the couple. Everyone was suited up, except Tony. He was in the black and blue calibration suit he wears underneath his armor.

"Clint got shot last night on that recon mission and he shouldn't be going out today," Pietro elaborated. Clint growled from his spot on the couch in disagreement. However, he knew his lover was only looking out for him.

"M' fine," Clint grumbled.

Pietro looked between Clint and Steve before giving in with a sigh.

"Fine but I'm not letting you out of my sight," Pietro said and pecked Clint's cheek. Clint turned and captured the speedsters lips in his causing Bucky, who just entered the room, to turn away in discomfort.

"When are we leaving?" Bucky asked gruffly causing Tony to jump slightly since he hadn't heard his arrival.

"Now," Steve said giving Tony a quick peck on the lips before leading the team down to the Quinjets.

Everyone followed the Captain to fulfill their job as heroes. It was supposed to be an easy mission. A simple task of obtaining some stolen S.H.I.E.L.D. files.

Steve wasn't supposed to get captured.

Tony was supposed to save Steve before the Hydra agent laid a hand on him.

Bucky was supposed to be their to catch Steve when he fell but niether of the two men made it to the super soldier in time.

"T-Tony," Steve choked out.

"I'm here, baby, I'm here now." Tony sobbed, holding Steve's bleeding body close to him. He had jumped out of his armor so Steve's face was laying on Tony's muscular chest.

There was a large stab wound on Steve's chest, just meeting it's target of his heart.

Steve reached his left hand out to his best friend that he knew was there. Bucky quickly took his hand in his.

"T-take care of h-him for me-e," Steve spoke brokenly to Bucky. Bucky nodded numbly as his eyes met Tony's glossy ones for a second.

"I promise," Bucky whispered.

"G-Good," Steve looked back to Tony and used all the energy he could muster up to cup his cheek, "he's m-my every-thing."

Tony let more silent tears fall as he leaned into Steve's- now cold- touch.

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