101 Dates

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All the ships and all their cute/fluffy/smutty dates

You're welcome.

Picture hints of dates above.


Tony and Steve finally arrived at their hotel in the Cayman Islands and Steve could not be any more exhausted.

Tony chuckled as the soldier immediately dropped his bags by the door and threw himself face down on the bed. He followed his boyfriend, hopping on top of him to straddle his waist from behind.

"You better get up before I start getting ideas," Tony smirked, dry humping against him for emphasis. Steve released a noise between a pleasured moan and annoyed groan.

"Tony, you told me we were going on a date, not a vacation to the islands with an extremely long jet ride."

"Well, I like to treat my Captain," Tony winks and Steve catches it out of his peripheral vision as he begins to turn around with Tony still sitting on his lower back.

"Treat me to jet lag and teasing," Steve retorted, exhaustion leaking from his voice.

"Oh, come on. You know vacation sex is better," Tony grinned, face-to-face with his boyfriend now.

Steve just laughed and accepted the kiss that  Tony was leaning down to give him. He could feel the billionaire beginning to smile into the kiss before feeling fingers tangle in his blonde hair.

"I love you," Steve breaks the kiss for a moment to breathe the words into Tony's mouth.

Tony only nods eagerly before rushing back in to kiss Steve, nipping at his bottom lip.

"It's a bit obvious how I feel about you," Tony hardly manages to rush out in one breath before kissing down Steve's jaw. "I mean we're in the Cayman Islands for crying out loud."

This makes Steve laugh loudly and he lets Tony kiss down his neck a bit more before pulling him back up.

"I really am tired," Steve said with an apologetic smile. "I'll make it up to you in the morning."

Tony scoffs and rolls his eyes fondly, "Fine, Steve. Turning down my sex after I just flew us to the islands for some intentional alone time."

Steve only laughs and pulls Tony in with his hand in his hair for a deep kiss. They break apart practically breathless and Tony can only smile softly at the soldier.

"You know what I could use right now?" Steve whispers since they have their foreheads pressed together. Tony gives him a questioning look.

"A massage," Steve answers his own question. Tony's eyes widen momentarily before he eagerly nods.

"I'll take what I can get," Tony laughs as he rushes Steve out of his hoodie and t-shirt.

Steve helps him out, pulling the fabric over his head so that nothing is left, but the dog tags that clink together softly as he turns back on his stomach.

Tony seats himself back on Steve's thighs and his hands run all over the hard muscles before kneading then softly between his fingers. He loves Steve's back, watching all the muscles flex as massages them. The noises Steve makes quietly from below him isn't helping Tony's growing problem, but he'll get payback for that later.

 The noises Steve makes quietly from below him isn't helping Tony's growing problem, but he'll get payback for that later

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