Meet the Family

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Prompt: The one where Tony's new boyfriend meets the only family he has.

Ship: Stony (innocent!Tony)

Side ships : Hawksilver

Dedicated to: helloooo_trickster

I loved writing this oneshot!


"When do you think I can meet your parents?" The blonde haired, personal trainer asked his smaller boyfriend.

The brunette shot up from his position on the bigger man's chest and stared at him with fearful, brown orbs.

"M-my parents?" He squeaked.

"Yes, your parents, silly," the blonde responded to his adorably shy boyfriend.

"Oh-uhh," Tony studdered trying to find a good excuse.

"It's fine," Steve said seeing that this would lead nowhere, "I can tell your not ready. "

Tony pushed his glasses up on his face and nodded thankfully. He returned his head back to its laying position on Steve's muscular chest. They were watching TV while laying down together on the couch, Steve's arm safely around the smaller man.

"But when you are ready, I'd like to tell then how amazing you are," Steve whispers to his boyfriend with a smile. Tony hummed quietly in response.

"I'd tell them how smart you are and how kind you are. How much I love your huge brown eyes and warm hugs. I'd tell them- Tony?"

Caught up in his admiration for his boyfriend, he hadn't noticed Tony was sniffling. He sat up, holding Tony to his chest, before inspecting his face.

"Why are you crying, baby?" Steve asked softly.

Tony removed his glasses to rub his eyes. He was so broken inside. He had been like this for a long time, but he couldn't help but break now. Steve had sounded so sincere when he said all those nice things about him so he deserved to know.

"My parents aren't alive anymore," Tony said with a raw, scratchy voice from all the silent crying he had been doing.

"Oh my gosh, Tony. I am so sorry," Steve said apologetically and cupped both Tony's wet cheeks in his hands. "Everything is going to be alright."

"I wish they could have known all those great things about me," Tony said heart broken. It broke a piece of Steve's heart also, to see the man he was sure he loved, so sad.

"What happened?" Steve couldn't help but wonder.

"Car accident," Tony replied, "I was too young to remember."

"It's good that you weren't hurt too," Steve said thankfully, pulling Tony just a bit closer.

"Oh, I wasn't in the car."

"You weren't?" Steve asked now, staring at the brunette in confusion. Tony refused to look up from his hands.

"I was home alone with my brother. He says they died because of him-"

"Why would anyone think that as a child?" Steve asked appalled.

"He got caught kissing in school. He was only 12," Tony said relaying the information his older brother told him when he was old enough.

"That's no reason for-"

"He got caught kissing a boy," Tony deadpanned.

The brunette looked up at the other man through his long eyelashes. Steve's lips were pressed together in a thin line. He knew that path all to well.

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