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Requested by: @Liinzr


To make this story flow better, the Avengers don't exist and Tony Stark isn't a famous billionaire!

Where's the fun in that, right? Lol I promise you guys will love this one shot either way!

Warning: feels alert! Also extremely long chapter ;)



3rd Person POV

Tony sat on the park bench, letting all his worries fade away as he soaked up the New York sun rays.

He was enjoying his silent time until someone plopped down on the bench, ruining it. Instead of getting upset, Tony just turned to greet the stranger. The words got stuck in his throat as he stared at the beautiful blonde man beside him.

"What was that?" The man asked confused.

"I- uh- I said what lovely weather we're having today," Tony said gesturing to the sky. Despite the smile on the man's lips, Tony was mentally beating himself up over how stupid he thought he sounded.

"Sure is..." The man paused gracefully, eyes asking for a name.

"Tony," the brunette filled in with a smile. "And you are?"

"Steve," he said with a smile.

Tony was entranced by Steve, from the tips of his blonde hair all the way down to his feet. The man was beautiful.

"So how's your day going?" Steve asked when he noticed Tony wasn't going to speak again because he was too busy checking him out.

"Going great," Tony smiled causing the blonde to smile too.

"You're very handsome," Steve whispered seductively causing Tony to blush and look away.

"T-thanks. You are too," Tony said, mentally cursing himself for studdering. He was never one to shy away from conversation but Steve truly left him speechless.

Steve was about to start another conversation when suddenly a little kid fell on the playground in front of them. He cried as a mother rushed to pick him up.

"Kids are a lot of work," Steve commented with the shake of his head. "I wouldn't wish that type of burden on my worst enemy."

Tony stayed quiet with eyes on the kids running around the swings.

"Do you have any?" Steve wondered with his arms casually stretched on the bench seat behind Tony.

"Uh, no?"

"Cool. Hey, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to have dinner with me sometime?" Steve asked courageously.

He was genuinely interested in the brunette and wanted to get to know him. Plus, it's not everyday that you meet another gay man that's interested.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'd like that," the smaller man responded, gaining confidence.

"Good," Steve smiled, "there's a new restaurant that just opened down on 5th. Meet there at 7?"

Tony smiled and agreed before switching numbers with the muscular blonde.

Tony watched as Steve left, his white muscle shirt showing off his back muscles. His staring time was cut short when he heard a small voice calling out to him.

"Daddy! Daddy! I just climbed all the way to the top of monkey bars! Did you see me? Did you see me?" The little boy cheered running over to Tony.

Tony smiled, stood, and caught the little boy as he jumped into his arms.

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