Another Highschool AU

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Tony x Steve Highschool AU

Okay so I've been really busy and using my free time to write my new book Pills N Potions...


It was a big help so that I could update so ENJOY!


Steve's POV:

I rush into biology class just as the bell rings.

"Mr. Rogers, you're late?" Mr. Nicholson says to me as I make my way to my seat

"I'm sorry." I say.

"Why are you late Mr. Rogers?"

Why does he have to do this? "Coach held us late today."

"And...," he pushes.

I sigh and give him the whole explanation.

"During morning workouts part of the team didn't do the play correctly, so the whole team had to run."

"When we were done we only had 3 minutes to shower. So that's why I'm late Mr. Nicholson."

" Three strikes and you're out."

" Yes sir," I whisper, as I take my seat.

He starts class and tells us to get out our homework. After he finishes checking the homework, he begins class.

We are already halfway through class when Tony shows up.

"Nice of you to join us, Tony."

"It is nice of me to join you isn't it? Hello class." Tony says as he flashes the class a brilliant smile and takes his seat.

He doesn't ask for an explanation, he doesn't say anything like three strikes and you're out, he doesn't send him to the office to get a late pass. He doesn't do anything because he's Tony Stark.

Tony Stark is by far the best looking guy in our school. He has beautiful chocolate brown eyes. His hair is perfectly styled- almost like he styles it to look like he just woke up. He is smart and sarcastic.

He is perfect in all ways, except that he know all these things. He knows what he is capable of and he knows that he can get any guy he wants-- and that's exactly what he does. He sleeps around with everyone. He's a man whore and he knows it. And I can't stand him for it.

I'm snapped back to attention when Mr. Nicholson says that will be doing a project.

"Your project is to create a city using the cells. You will be able to work with one other person."

The class cheers. Mr. Nicholson continues.

"I will be choosing your partners," he says, quieting the class. He starts calling out pairs. I realize that he is calling the pairs in alphabetical order. I do the math in my head and that leaves...

"Rogers and Stark," Mr. Nicholson says.

Tony?! No. This really can't be happening. This only happens in the movies!! Not real life!!!

Tony turns around and gives me a smug grin. I roll my eyes and frown. He laughs and turns around in his seat.

After class he comes up to me and asks me if we are going to go to his house or mine.

"You need to be at my house tomorrow after school. If you aren't there I will be doing the project by myself and make sure that Mr.Nicholson knows that you didn't do any of the work. Do you understand?"

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