Love Bite

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Dedicated to: @inkinmyheart

I give you ...

Wanda x Natasha


Wanda and Pietro used to take missions together all the time. They were both good hunters, but their parents noticed something that made Wanda better at what they did.

She felt no remorse, unlike her brother. Pietro hesitated in his kills, often leaving a chance for his prey to escape.

Wanda's hunting skills were unparalleled, though. She never let her prey get away, and in reward, she always got to feed.

"Wanda," her mother summoned her into the great room. The room has high ceilings and dark furniture. Wanda entered the room to see her mother sitting in her usual chair, next to her father.

Her mother was beautiful. They had the same, long brown hair that fell perfectly down a circular face. Their lips seemed to be permanently stained red with their pointed fangs continuously creating dents in their bottom lip.

"Yes, Mother? Hello, Father," she answered and greeted both her parents.

"Bring your brother, another mortal is asking a favor of us," she spoke lightly.

"Of course, Mother," Wanda responded before establishing a mind link with her brother to tell him to come downstairs.

Soon, both Wanda and Pietro were standing in front of their parents, listening to some mortal man begging for the vampire family to kill someone.

The usual for the Maximoffs.

"-so that's why I'm asking for your best hunter to put an end to this woman's life."

Pietro looked at Wanda and rolled his eyes, telling her through their mind link how boring this was. He hated when humans went through their entire sob story, they just needed to know who to kill.

"Our son is the fastest, but our daughter is a better hunter," their father told the man.

"I'd like your daughter to take the kill then. Here's a picture of the woman," the mortal man says holding out a photograph.

Wanda stepped forward and plucked it from the man's hand before he could get another word out. She returned to her spot in front of her parents before glancing down at the photo.

Her eyes widened as she noticed how beautiful the woman was. She had red hair that was about chin length, and it had a slight curl to it that managed to give it that beautiful, messy look. She wore a violet colored dress with a lace trim, complimented with a pair of black pumps.

Wanda shook her head to shake her brain of all the thoughts that were flowing through it because of this woman. She quickly folded the picture and slipped it into the back pocket of her skin tight, black jeans.

"I'll take care of her tonight," Wanda said, trying to keep her voice monotonous.


"You sure you can handle this one?" Pietro teased his twin sister. He had caught her exchange googly eyes at the picture of the woman she was assigned to kill in a few hours.

"I've got it," she snapped at her brother, shoving the picture back in her pocket.

"What's her name?" He asked, following her deeper into her room. Wanda just scoffed and checked in her mirror to straighten out her flowy, red top.

"What does it matter?"

"Wanda, come on," Pietro pressed, "You may be able to keep it from our parents, but not your twin."

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