Stony/Spideypool Family

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Wonderful request made by @JaSpidermine <3

Prompt: Wade and Peter adopt Matt Murdock (#TeamRed)

Side ships: Stony!

Enjoy loves!

3rd Person POV

"I don't think I can do this," Peter said pulling out of Wade's grip and walking away from the doors of the adoption center.

"Aw come on, Petey. I thought we talked about this?" Wade said chasing his husband down. He stopped Peter and held both of Peter's hands to his chest.

"I know but I just- what if none of them like us? What if-"

Wade placed a finger on Peter's lips and hushed him with a quick peck on the lips.

"Shh, everything is okay. We talked about it, you talked to your parents, and- "

"Oh my gosh! I forgot to tell them!" Peter began freaking out again and raked a nervous hand through his hair.

"How did you forget to tell your parents?" Wade asked in shock.

"I told them we were thinking about adopting a kid. I didn't tell them we were actually going through with it!"

"Well, call them now." Wade shrugged. Peter sighed and whipped his phone out. He quickly dialed his Dad's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hey, Pete," Tony said, happy to hear from his only son.

"Hey, Dad! Is Pops there?" Peter asked nervously looking back and forth from Wade to the concrete under his Vans.

"Yeah, he's here. We were just watching a movie. Did you need to talk to him?"

"No-well- um, yes? No I-"

"Slow down, son," Tony chuckled, "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, it's just- I need to talk to both of you guys. Please?" Peter spoke nervously and it didn't help that Wade was trying to listen in on the conversation by trying to squish his ear against the phone receiver with Peter.

Across the city, in Avengers Tower, Tony presses the speaker button on his phone so Steve could listen.

"Peter says he needs to talk to us," Tony explains from where his head lays in Steve's lap.

"Hey, Pete. What's going on?" Steve asked to let Peter know he was there too.

"Well, um, Wade and I decided that we are going to adopt."

Despite Peter's studdering, the sentence came out determined and happy. Steve and Tony were happy for them also.

"That's great!" The super husbands said almost simultaneously.

Wade fist pumped in the air at their positive reaction and grins at Peter. Peter tries to suppress a smile as he continues to talk with his parents.

"I've got one more question," Peter said seriously.

"Of course. Anything," Steve said, stroking Tony's hair from where his head still lay in his lap.

"How did you guys know- you know- to chose me? Like out of all those kids, why me?" Peter asked curiously.

"I'm not sure how to explain it other than saying that once you find your kid, you'll fall in love." Steve began explained.

"Yeah, you'll immediately know who's the right one," Tony input.

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