Happy Birthday

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It's ironic that I named this oneshot Happy birthday because it actually is someone's birthday today...



Dedicated to: @LauraT919

The one where Clint is obsessed with Steve.


Clint had just turned eighteen when he admitted it to himself.

He was obsessed.

He was obsessed with his next door neighbor, Steve Rogers.

Steve was around twenty-six years old and living with his brother, James. Clint loved to sit on tree branches in his yard and watch as Steve invited friends over to play football or even just cut grass.

All Clint's friends knew he was a goner.

"First thing Clint's gonna do when he gets eighteen is knock on Steve Rogers' door," Tony joked when they were all together at lunch one day.

"Yeah, maybe he'll have the balls to do it then," Rhodes laughed next to him, making Clint flick both of them the bird.

"Watch, you guys," Clint spoke confidently, "I bet I can get him to come to my party."

Tony just scoffed, "Oh, please. Like he'd want to come to some teenager's party."

Clint bit his lip nervously before responding, "He will."


"Hey, so I'm having a party tonight and I was just wondering if you could come? No, wait. I was just having a little get together for my birthday. That sounds more mature doesn't it?"

Clint sighed at himself in the mirror, running a calloused hand down his face.

"Don't embarrass yourself, Clint. Come on. You can do this," he pep talked himself.

"But can you do this? Can you really?"

Clint turned around in anger at immediately threw a book at the voice coming from the door.

"Shut up, Tony!" Clint yelled causing Tony to snicker and run down the hall.

It was bad enough Clint had to deal with Tony's jokes in front of everyone at their lunch table, but he had to deal with his brother's foolery at home too.

"Just go over there and ask him already!" Tony shouted from his room down the hall.

Clint sighed again, looking at himself in the mirror, making sure he doesn't look like a stereotypical punk teenager that him and his brother really are. One more deep breath and he was headed for the front steps.


Clint's first wavered over the front door of the before knocking twice. He thought about running back to the safety of his own home before the door he was standing in front of swung open.

"Who are you?"

Well, this is embarrassing.

"I, uh-" Clint found himself standing dumbly in front of Steve's equally attractive brother, James. He had long, brown hair and the same muscular build. Damn, why did Clint think this was a good idea?

"Well, spit it out, kid," James prompted.

"Well, I-uh-"

"Geez, Buck, you could tone down the snappiness," someone said from in the house before opening the door completely and revealing himself.


Clint's heart stopped as he caught sight of the blonde brother he was looking for.

"-Sorry about my brother, not really a people person. What can I do for you?" Steve asked sweetly.

It took Clint a while to process what he was saying and even longer to realize James was no longer standing in the door with Steve.

"I, uh, I just turned eighteen a few days ago and I'm have a small party at my house," Clint tried hard to explain calmly, "And I was wondering if you'd like to help celebrate with me, or us, cause y'know it's a party. And they'll be more than just you and me."

Clint mentally face palmed at the way he sounded, but it earned a laugh from Steve.

"Sounds cool," Steve smiled, "When's the party?"

"Oh,um, tonight. At my house around eight tonight," Clint studdered again, accidentally repeating the word tonight.

"Oh, tonight?" Steve pondered, "I don't think I'll be able to make it, pal."

Clint tried to ignore the friendly nickname and swallowed his embarrassment of rejection.

"O-oh, of course. I should've known you have something better to do. Sorry."

And with that Clint turned and practically ran down the porch steps all the way until he was marching up his own.


"Don't be too bummed, man."

Clint glared up at Rhodey and his sad attempt to make him feel better. Instead of replying, Clint just took another long swig of his drink and focused on the party music thumping in his ears.

The party wasn't supposed to be this crazy, but once Steve rejected the invitation, Clint didn't really care what happened at the party.

"What's wrong?" Clint's cousin, Natasha, asked.

"Clint got rejected by the neighbor-"

"Shut up, Rhodes! He just couldn't make it. You're making it worse than it is," Clint snapped.

Rhodey's eyes widened at the sudden outburst. Natasha pursed her lips as Rhodey stalked off annoyed.

"Clint, was Rhodes the one making it worse; or you?"

Clint huffed and chugged the rest of his drink before tossing the cup to the ground carelessly.

"I need some air."

Clint didn't wait for a response as he exited the house all the way until he got to his favorite tree in the front yard. He easily climbed it and sat on a rather high branch, letting his legs swing off.

Clint liked it here. He felt like it was a getaway or a safe place. Clint also loved how it made him feel so much farther from the people that could be standing on the same property as he. Clint loved-


Clint rolled his eyes and looked down passed some of the foliage to the base of the tree. He nearly fell off his branch when he saw the person standing at the bottom.

"Steve?" Clint asked incredulously.

"Is it too late to say happy birthday?" Steve asked with a goofy smile. Clint checked his watch and saw that it was already midnight.

"No, of course not," Clint replied anyways, hopping down from branch to branch before jumping when he was close enough to the bottom.

"I'm just glad you came at a-"

Clint was cut off by Steve pulling him to his chest and planting a sweet kiss on his young lips.

"Happy birthday," Steve smiled, "I've been wanting to do that for a while."

Clint was just smiled like an idiot before saying, "Well, I hope it'll happen more often."


Okay so this was ... different lol still cute

Usually I just write my ships but I think I did pretty well writing this oneshot that wasn't one of my ships!

I hope you liked it and if not...oh well. Request something you want and I'll write it XD


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