First Kiss

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Also! "Steve" is more like Chris in this one sooooo... ;)



Robert's POV

I remember the first time I saw him. He had just moved in next door. He looked a few inches taller than me so I automatically assumed he was older than me. I'm only ten, but I was small for my age.

I remember the second time I saw him too. He was in my homeroom class. Apparently he wasn't older than me.

"Hey," he said getting my attention. He had blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. He was prettier than any girl I've ever seen.

"H-Hi," I studdered.

"I think you're my neighbor. What's your name?" He asked, leaning against my table.

"Robert," I responded.

"Robert," he said trying it out with a smile, "I'm Chris. Mom told me to make friends so, would you like to hang out later today?"

He was leaning in really close. So close, I thought he might kiss me.

"I-I can't. I have a swim meet," I responded nervously, before escaping to the teacher to ask for a bathroom pass. I didn't realize how hard my heart was beating until I fell against the door of the stall in the bathroom.


This cannot be happening. This is so embarrassing. Why is he here?! I look so ugly after I swim, why would Chris come here.

"You okay?" My friend, Mark (yes Ruffalo), asked.

"You see that boy?" I said, shielding my face from his view. My brown hair was sticky to my face and I was only in a speedo.

"The new blonde kid?" Mark whispered.

"He asked if we could hang out this morning. I have no idea why he actually came to the meet," I whisper yelled, my face heating up.

"Back to the locker room, boys!" Coach called.

Mark shrugged and nudged me with his elbow before going to the locker room. I followed, looking back to see Chris staring at me with a slight smile. My eyes widened as I rushed into the locker room.


"Mark, nobody likes freshmen. Don't be offended," I waved off easily.

"Robert, you're a freshman too," he replied, pushing up his glasses.

"Exactly. I'm a freshman and I don't even like freshmen!" I said making my point, walking through the doors of our high school.

"You do like one freshmen," Mark laughed.

"I don't know who your talking about," I said nonchalantly, stopping at my locker.

"The only freshman on the varsity team? The one that's been trying to kiss you since we were like ten?" Mark laughs. I quickly shush him seeing the guy he was talking about walking right towards us.

"That's right," he smirked making me roll my eyes, "You still owe me a kiss, babe."

"Shove off," I replied rudely. Suddenly he pushed me up against the lockers, squeezing my cheeks together with one hand, giving me fish lips. My heart rate increased dramatically.

Okay, maybe I do like Chris a little. His stupid, newly dyed brown hair. His amazing smile and livid laugh. His hard muscles and those lips...Those lips that I've always wanted to kiss, but been too scared to.

"Evans!" His friend in a matching varsity jacket called out.

He puckered his lips at me before letting me go.

"Meet me in the art room during lunch?"


"See you then," he winked, walking off. I rolled my eyes, wiping my cheeks off dramatically.

"Thanks for the help, Mark," I said sarcastically.

"It was kind of funny," he laughed, "I know you li-"

"Don't say it," I retorted, stalking off to class.


I ran out of the art room, straight through the back doors.

"Robert, wait!"

I just kept running. He tried to kiss me again! Chris is still trying to kiss me! I don't get it. I would like to kiss him back, but I feel like nothing good will come from it. He'll kiss me then walk away.


My heart dropped down to my feet. Am I dreaming? I thought I'd never see him after high school, but here he is.

Chris Evans.

"Hey! Robert, right?" He smiled making his way over to me in the coffee shop.

Great, he hardly remembers my name.

"Yep," I replied blankly.

"Look, a lot has changed since high school that I've changed," he says somewhat sincerely.

"Meaning," I started, "You're not trying to get in my pants anymore?"

He laughed, a cocky smile plastered on his face.

"Meaning I'm willing to take you out first before trying to get into your pants."


I don't know when it all happened. I guess I've always had an attraction towards Chris. Did I ever think we would be dating?


Did I ever think I'd be sitting on his lap in my living room with my head nuzzled into his neck while I whispered one of my most guarded secrets into his ear?

Absolutely not.

"I was stubborn then. Giving in and kissing you all those years ago would leave me vulnerable. But truth is, I used to dream about you. I had a dream about you when you would just hold me," I confessed.

Chris stroked my hair softly, planting soft kisses on his forehead before whispering:

"I could hold you forever."

I went silent after that, soaking in what he had said. It made my chest feel warm and my heart beat faster.

"You should probably let me kiss you right about now," Chris said after a while with a grin.

"I'd be stupid not to," I replied with a matching grin.

He leaned in as soon as the words left my mouth, like he was trying to swallow them. He caressed my cheek as he moved his lips against mine.

I smiled into the kiss as I felt the force of all the built up anticipation for this kiss that was finally happening after all these years. We eventually pulled away after trying to make the kiss last as long as possible.

"See, that wasn't so bad."


Sorry if this was bad

I need prompts :/

Sorry I haven't updated this in a while I just haven't had any ideas that I wanted to write.

Inspiration for this one came from the video in the beginning.

Okay bye (:

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