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The sky was black. He tried to blink his eyes to clear his vision but he only further irritated his eyes.

The ash was everywhere. Buildings crumbled like sand and there was a heavy lump stuck in his throat. He wasn't sure if that was from all the smoke he was breathing in or the gripping hold of tears threatening to show themselves.

"It's all gone."

He looked down at his twin sister that was gripping his hand for dear life.

"Our family is gone, Pietro."

The fourteen year old boy tried to take a deep breath to fight off the panic he felt at that one statement.

"No, Wanda," he turned to grip her face in his hands, "We still have each other. We've just got to keep moving."

"But-" Her cries seemed to be lodged in her throat as well judging by the strain in her voice.

Pietro didn't let her finish. He moved his hand to grip hers and practically dragged her through the debris left of their hometown. It wasn't until they had found shelter under an old gas station that he noticed it.

The slight glowing on the inside of his wrist.


"No, no, no," he mumbled trying desperately to hide them with the sleeve of his hoodie. It almost worked until he hears a gasp.


"No," he snapped in the darkness, "It doesn't matter anymore."

His sister, who was laying on the concrete ground with her hood pulled up, frowned at him.

"You've been waiting to meet your soulmate since we turned 8. You were always so excited to get your numbers-"

"How could I care about a soulmate when my entire life has just been stripped away!" He gritted out, slamming his fist on the ground angrily.

Maybe if he pummeled the ground hard enough the stupid soulmate injection he received as infants would malfunction.

Wanda didn't say anything else and Pietro tried in vain to fall asleep. However, he couldn't stop thinking about the glowing reminder on his wrist.

10 years : 43 days : 7 hour

The second time Pietro felt such rage yet fear was in a room flooded with infinite darkness. He could hear panting a few feet away from him but he was too weak to left his chained hands reach out for them.

"Pietro," Wanda panted.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm here," he responded hoarsely.

He and Wanda had been kidnapped; right off the streets like stray cats. They hadn't seen the men that took them but people have been in and out of their cell since they'd been there. Their visits were always filled with needles, tests, and pain.

"It's hurts," she whimpered.

"Shh, I know," he tried to call her even though his own voice was strained from the pain as well.

His legs were throbbing and his head felt like it's been slammed against a brick wall. The bottom half of his body was practically vibrating but he couldn't tell.

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