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Prompt: The one where Steve is always getting help from his little tech genius' and the one time they need help from him.

Dedicated to: @Shut-Up-Stark


"See, Papa! TV work now!" The three year old cheered and jumped in his Papa's lap.

"Yay! You fixed it, Petey!" Steve cheered along with the giggly boy and began tickling him.

"What are you two up to now?" Tony said coming into the living room. He smiled fondly at the way his husband and little boy played.

"I fixed the TV, Dada!"

Tony fake gasped, "You did?!"

Peter giggled and jumped from Steve's lap into Tony's arms. Tony caught the two foot tall boy with ease and plopped down next to his lover.

"How did we end up with such a smart boy?" Steve admired, patting his son's head.

"Well, he does take after his dad," Tony boasted.

Steve glared at him before pouting. Tony just laughed and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Aww, Daddy loves Papa!" Peter cheered and kissed both of their cheeks.

"Yes, yes I do." Tony agreed with a huge smile on his face. He was admiring Steve while he said it.

"I love Papa, too! I'll show you how to fix TV like me!" Peter hopped off Tony's lap and dragged Steve over to the large flat screen.

Tony watched in awe as Peter showed his husband how to switch the TV from cable to the DVD player.


"Pops, I'm having some trouble in school," Peter told him one day after school.

"What's wrong? No one's making fun of you, are they?" Steve asked overly concerned.

"No, not that. It's just- I don't know what to do for my science project," he sighed.

"Why can't you make a volcano?" Steve suggested.

"No," Peter whined, "Middle school science fairs have gotten more advanced since the forties."

Steve's lips pressed into thin line. Sure, he wasn't the smartest when it came to science, but he still wanted to help his son. He didn't want Peter to think that he couldn't do anything.

"It's okay. I'll go ask Dad," Peter replied before Steve could say anything else. The pre-teen hopped off the kitchen bar stool and made his way to his other father's lab.

"Dad?" Peter called out.

"Over here," Tony called back and rolled out from under the car he was working on.

"I need help on my project for the science fair," Peter explained, taking a seat on the edge of one of his desks.

"Oh! I've been thinking about this since you were in kindergarten. Come on. I have just the thing."

Peter grinned and followed his Dad.


"Parents!" Peter yelled once he entered the house after his after school job.

"Son!" Tony shouted back with a laugh. Him and Steve were laying on the couch relaxing and watching a movie.

"I'm exhausted," the 17 year old sighed. His parents laughed as their son dragged his feet over to the couch and jumped onto their laps. Peter's torso rested on Steve's lap and his long legs stretched over Tony's lap.

"You're not little anymore," Steve laughed as his son stretched over their laps.

"But Pops," Peter whined, "I'm so tired."

"Go to sleep then," Steve laughed and rubbed Peter's back.

"I can't. I still have homework," the teenager groaned.

"I can help you," Steve offered.

"Nah, it's Calculus," Peter said rolling off his parents and onto the floor dramatically.

"Here, lemme see it. I can do it while you take a well needed shower," Tony said plugging his nose for effect.

Peter shot up from his fake nap on the rugged floor.

"Really?" Peter asked in disbelief that his dad would do his homework.

"Of course, just shower up and get some sleep. I'll leave it on the counter," Tony said nonchalantly.

"Thanks Dad. You're the best," Peter said handing him the homework from his bag and kissing his cheek.

Steve gnawed on his bottom lip because he wanted to help also. He loves Tony and Peter with all his heart, but he didn't feel loved back. Of course he didn't feel this all the time, just in these select moments when Tony is better.


"Dad, what do I do?" Peter spoke frantically into the phone as he paced around his apartment.

"Pete, just calm down," Tony said from his end.

"Wade is going to be here in an hour, Dad!"

"Why did you even offer to cook dinner anyway?" Tony asked confused.

"Harry said it was a good idea, but I can't cook!"

Tony had his phone on speaker so when Steve walked into their bedroom he heard his son screaming nervously over the phone.

"What's wrong with him?" Steve asked.

Tony just shrugged and handed his husband the phone.

"Hey, Pete. What's wr-"

"Pops! You have to help me," Peter spoke distressed.

"Of course I will," Steve said joyfully because his son is finally asking him for help, "What do you need?"

"Wade is coming over in an hour and I told him I'd cook us dinner," Peter explained.

"Peter, you've never cooked a day in your life," Steve laughed at how sprung his son was for his new boyfriend.

"I know! Please, Pops? You're good at cooking," Peter begged.

Steve smiled, "Well, the quickest thing to make is spaghetti."

"Yeah, okay. How do I make it?" Peter asked clueless.

"Okay, first, you need to boil some water. Don't walk away from it or it could end up like that night Dad tried cook dinner."

Peter laughed and Tony, who was still in the room, heard his husband talking about him.

"That wasn't my fault! Jarvis didn't tell me it was ready," Tony said from his side of the bed. The brunette man said it with a smile because his family joked like this all the time.

Tony also knew Steve didn't always feel like he was helping their baby boy like Tony could.

Tony assured Steve that there were ways he could help Peter that Tony couldn't. This was one of those times.

Tony loved his family, and in the end they're both equal.

Peter wouldn't have it any other way.

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