Happy Ending?

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"This is dedicated to: DestielLegoli
I loved writing this...
Happy endings are overrated.
What's a happy ending?
Does everyone really deserve a happy ending?"



3rd POV:
The Avengers are at a meeting led by Tony and Steve. They are discussing possible vacation places.

"Okay, we have three different vacation places. As always majority wins. Stevie, you can begin."

"Alright all those in favor of going skiing in Colorado, raise your hand."

Pietro smiles and raises his hand proudly. After seeing no one else agreeing with him, he slowly lowers his hand.

"All in favor of the beach in North Carolina, raise your hand."

Natasha's head pops up.

"Will we be having nice, warm, private beach rooms?" She asks.

"Ummm.... I suppose we would." Steve says.

"Who will we share our rooms with?"

"Tasha, that's up to you."

"Will--" she begins.

"Okay Nat," Tony interrupts. "I think that's enough questions about the beach."

"Besides," He continues with a grin. "You haven't heard the last choice. Keep going Steve."

"Okay, who wants to go to the beach in NC?"

Natasha, Pietro, and Steve all vote for the beach.

"Okay so--" Steve starts.

"Wait." Natasha says cutting Steve off.

She leans over and whispers something into Bruce's ear.

He looks at her with raised eyebrows. She shakes her head yes, then kisses him right in the mouth.

When she pulls back he stands, tells Steve he votes the beach and pulls Natasha up the stairs.

Fully embarrassed, Steve closes out the meeting.

Clint and Pietro make there way into the kitchen.

"Sorry we aren't going to Vegas babe. Plus you've already been there like 50 times anyways."

Tony pouts and lays his head on Steve's chest.

"Wait," Clint says running out of the kitchen. The third choice was Vegas?!"

"Yeah." Tony says sadly.

"Well I vote Vegas. There’s probably gonna be exotic women there!”

Pietro head pops out of the kitchen.

“Clint,” Pietro pouts.

“Pietro,” Tony says. “He’s with you! He's not even attracted to women!!!!

“Whatever,” Clint says. “I just wanna beat all of your butts at a game of beach volleyball.
It's a beautiful day on the beach. The Avengers were all walking on the beach, each with their lovers nearby.

Bruce and Natasha making small talk, Clint and Pietro tackling each other, and Steve and Tony walking hand in hand enjoying each other's company as they watch their "children."

"Avengers!" Clint yells, getting everyone's attention including nearby people.

"Who's up for a game of beach volleyball?!"

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