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Song: Goner by Twenty Øne Pilots

Dedicated to: @geeky_h and

I give you... depressed Tony and supportive Steve.


Tony doesn't sleep.

This is not because he stays up late studying or partying, no.

It's because he can't sleep.

He tries, he really does. He has to try because all the exhaustion he carries around during the day decreases his focus and he can't seem to pass any class.

He dozes off in class then, like every night, can't sleep. He closes his eyes only to have the monsters of his own head attack him.

His fingers begin switching as the nightmare continued. Then, as if someone pushed him off a cliff, he whole body jolts forward with a scream.

"Hey, hey, hey. Shh, you're okay," soothing words came from behind the scared boy.

Tony's chest continued to heave up and down as he looked to his left and saw him.

"Steve," Tony whispered breathlessly in his dark bedroom.

"I'm here," the blonde athlete comforted.

Tony's breathing immediately began to calm down as he leaned his forehead on his boyfriend's T-shirt clad shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Steve asked after a while of petting Tony's short, brunette hair.

"I'd be worse if you weren't here," Tony replied slowly, lifting his head from Steve's shoulder. "Thanks for staying the night."

"Anything for you," Steve said, leaning over to kiss Tony's forehead. "But your Dad is going to freak if he comes up here and sees I snuck into your room."

"Dad can suck it," Tony replied rudely. It always bothered him how his Dad never payed him any attention and tries to push away anyone who will.

"He sure can because I'm not going anywhere," Steve smiled and poked Tony's sides. Tony giggled quietly and poked Steve back.

Steve was not only the only person that could make Tony smile, but the only one who Tony allowed to touch him. The only one he trusts.


"Hey, Tony!" Tony's only other friend, Clint greeted with his hand up for a high five.

"Hi," Tony greeted dryly, ignoring his hand.

"I'm not good enough for a high five yet? Okay, cool," Clint shrugged. "So what'd I miss yesterday?"

They walked to their first class together as Tony responded, "How should I know?"

"Falling asleep again, Stark? You gotta stop doing that in class, man. You get this drool thing going on that is not attractive," Clint advised jokingly.

"Oh, you mean the same unattractive drool I see coming from your mouth everytime you stare at Pietro Maximoff?" Tony joked back.

"Oh, you did not just go there," Clint laughed hysterically.

"I sure did," Tony said triumphantly.

The two continued to joke back and forth before and after class all the way until lunch.

"Hey, I'll catch up with you after school," Clint said before they even started walking to the lunch room.

Tony sighed and reluctantly walked to the cafeteria, no lunch in hand. He sat at the far table, waiting for Steve to arrive.

His leg bounced up and down anxiously as he tried to avoid eye contact of the other students.

"Hey, Tony. How are you doing today?" His old science teacher said as she passed his table.

"I'm fine," Tony replied dryly, not making eye contact.

"You forgot your lunch today?" She asked.

"I already ate it."

She looked at Tony's almost nonexistent figure awhile before smiling. "Well, can I buy you some chips? You look like you could use some extra food."

Tony sighed and stood up. If buying him chips that he wouldn't eat would make this lady leave him alone, so be it.

As they walked to the front of the lunch line, Tony realized how bad of an idea this was. It felt like every kid in the lunch room was staring at him.

The teacher was in the middle of purchasing his chips when Tony quickly told her he didn't want them anymore. He tried to rush out of line and bumped into someone hard.

Both Tony and the girl he knocked over fell to the ground, her on top of him. Tony's eyes widened at the personal contact and nearly passed out.

"Get off of me!" He yelled and tried to wiggle out from under her.

"You knocked me down, asshole," She scoffed and picked herself up.

Tony could hear his heartbeat, it was so loud. He shifted backwards on his butt to be farther away from the girl, before standing up.

All eyes were on Tony as the word 'weird' and 'freak' were tossed around. Tony felt surrounded and tears stung the back of his eyes. He continued to back away from everyone until he hit something hard.

A wall? No, the door.

Tony turned and sprinted out the cafeteria. He ran fast, ignoring his exhausted bones and teachers yelling at him to stop. He ran until he was out of the school building. He was now in the back of the school and he spotted no one.

He spotted a shady tree and immediately went to sit under it, hugging his knees to his chest.

Just when Tony thought he escaped everyone, the back door he exited from opened.

Tony gripped the sides of his head and screamed, hoping whoever it was would go away.

"Tony! Tony, it's me. Please," Tony heard his voice plea over his own screaming.

Tony stopped making noise altogether as he slowly raised his head out of his knees.


"I'm here. You don't have to explain yourself to me, okay?" Steve soothed.

Tony was so grateful for him. He took Steve's large and gripped it in both of his.

"S-She was la-laying on me-e," Tony told Steve anyway, with tears in his eyes.

"I'm not gonna let her touch you again, okay? Can I hold you now, baby?"

Tony sniffed and slowly crawled into Steve's lap, feeling safe as soon as he came in contact with Steve's warm body.

Steve's chest felt warm as he saw his adorable boyfriend showing his trust in him. The blonde wrapped his arms around Tony's hips.

"Steve?" Tony lifted his head from Steve's chest.

"Yes?" Steve said looking at Tony's brown eyes.

"Thank you."


Depression is not all cutting.

This oneshot was a Steve saving Tony and helping him deal with his depression.

I hope you liked it! Stony is life.


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