Whisper App Inspired

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The one where the Maximoff twins don't need their powers to fool their parents.

Based on the pic above


"I still find this all very hilarious," Tony's chest shook with laughter as he sat down at the lunch table with his friends.

"Oh yeah?" Pietro challenged and his girlfriend, Natasha, simply rolled her eyes at the two of them. "Well, I find it funny that you still haven't told your father about Steve!"

Steve, Tony's boyfriend in secret, actually chuckled at the argument Tony and Pietro were having. They continued to diss one another back and forth until Wanda, Pietro's twin sister dropped her stuff down on the table and plopped into a seat. She made eye contact with Natasha from over her brother's shoulder and gave her an easy smile.

"What did I miss?" She wondered, feeling a bit left out seeing everyone laughing hysterically at her brother.

"A good you're here! I was just laughing at the both of you," Tony spoke through smiling lips, "Where's the boyfriend?"

Wanda flipped her dark brown hair over her shoulder just in time to see Clint barreling towards the table with an arm full of entirely too many vending machine snacks.

"Those aren't good for you," she told him as he grabbed a nearby chair and stole the small space in between her and Pietro.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, sweetheart, but they taste very good to me," Clint grinned before popping a bag of cookies open.

He heard Pietro scoff at that. H grinned and turned to admire the Russian boy in all his beauty.

"Hey, beautiful. Cookie?" Clint still had that grin plastered on his face as he popped a mini chocolate chip cookie in his mouth. Pietro couldn't help but watch Clint's lips as he chewed before trying in vain to glare at him.

"How cute is this. Restrained love," Tony mumbled sarcastically.

"It won't be restrained tonight," Clint countered with an equal dosage of sarcasm and watched Pietro flush red.

Tony rolled his eyes and glanced at Wanda and Natasha who were giggling quietly and leaning into each other.

"Benefits of your parents not knowing you both are gay, huh?" Tony's laughter was brought back momentarily as he looked back and forth between the Maximoff twins.

"I still don't know how you all thought of that," Steve spoke up with a chuckle.

"Easy!" Wanda was back in the conversation now, and all pretended not to notice how flushed her cheeks were.

"I had Tasha over one day, and they may have heard a few things. When she went downstairs to get a drink along with Pietro, I heard my father say," Wanda dramatically tries to make her voice deeper as she puts a hand on her brother's shoulder for emphasis, "'You finally have gotten a girlfriend, son! I am so proud!'"

Tony cackles with laughter along with Wanda and Steve as they laugh at Pietro's discomfort in the situation. Pietro rolls his eyes in annoyance, but there was a hint of a smile on his lips.

"Whatever, you were more than happy that I covered your ass so you could keep your girlfriend," Pietro joked back and she immediately agreed.

"And you still get your annoying boyfriend," she waves her hand towards Clint who looks too busy stuffing his face with chips and fruit snacks to join the conversation again.

"Yeah, but not at school. Or in front of family. What about double dates? Wow, that must suck," Tony shook his head in disbelief.

"You're not openly gay either, Tony, so you would know," Natasha provided causing Wanda to laugh.

"I'm getting there!" Tony defended, "Unlike you guys, who will probably use your heterosexual relationships to stay hidden from your overly conservative Russian parents for the rest of eternity."

Pietro winced inwardly a bit at that last part, enough to make Clint look up from his food and star at his closeted boyfriend intently. He placed his candy wrapper on the table and instantly threw his arms around Pietro. Pietro's eyes widened a bit, but Clint only shrugged.

"Guys hugs their friends all the time. No homo," he grinned up at Pietro. Pietro hardly held in his laugh as he flicked Clint in the forehead.


Pietro laid, half his body off the couch, while he checked his phone from practically hanging upside down. Wanda was perched on the arm of the couch while flipping through channels, ready to jump up when she heard a knock.

Their parents were going to be out late and said they were allowed to invite their boyfriend/girlfriend over. Soon, there was a heavy knocking on the door and Pietro immediately jumped up, quickly glancing at his sister.

"What? I can tell Clint's knock," he retorted defensively as she did nothing but speak to him with knowing eyes.

Pietro yanked open the door, smiling when he came face to face with his boyfriend. Clint smiled and opened his mouth to greet him with a compliment. However, the words never made it past his lips as Pietro was hardly able to yank him inside before kissing him firmly on the lips.

"You're mine," Pietro breathed hotly into Clint's mouth before kissing him again. Clint grinned into the kiss, flipping them over easily so Pietro was the one pressed breathless against the front door.

"I love when you get all possessive. It's cute," Clint smiled before launching back in to steal Pietro's breath again in a kiss they both so desperately needed.

"Can't help it," Pietro whimpered, wrapping his arms around Clint's waist to pull him impossibly closer. "Hate seeing you with someone else."

"Especially your sister, huh?" Clint's laugh came out breathy, turning into a moan as Pietro began assaulting his jaw and neck with kisses.

"You know that I love you, right?" Clint whispers delicately into his boyfriend's ear, nibbling on it a bit.

"Fuck," Pietro huffed lightly in Clint's neck, "Going to mark you as mine."

Clint ravishes in the sound of lust drowning out Pietro's accent as he tugs his ear harder with his teeth in agreement. Pietro just began to lick and suck greedily at Clint's neck when a rapid knock beat upon the down they were leaning against.

Clint groaned, this time in annoyance, and Pietro simply rolled his eyes as Wanda skipped out into the foyer to answer the door.

"Ew! Go somewhere else," she shooed them, in a hurry to greet Natasha the same way Pietro greeted Clint.

"Let's go upstairs," Pietro was dragging lint by his arm as soon as he suggested it.

"No argument here," Clint grinned following his boyfriend.



Okay....I saw that pic and I thought of this and thought I'd share bcuz...Sharing is caring. xD

Hope you loved it!


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