Highschool AU- 04

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Okay .

You wanted updates ? Here is old, archived material of a collab story that never got published!

The all exclusive, right here folks. This is for all my MVPS and Day 1 fans

To all my new loves, hello ! How are you doing in 2020, amirite ?

This was a collab so I only wrote chapters 4-6! However, I typed up a quick summary of the beginning!

Enjoy!....Maybe ?


Mini Prologue

Steve is new at school and he tries to find his way around. He meets Tony, one of the popular kids, relatively quickly. He feels a mix of interest and annoyance towards the brunette.

Tony loves his life in high school as it a way to escape his home life, even if it's just for just eight hours a day. He tried to share some of his exciting school life once as a way to bring his joy home with him.

His father had cursed at him for having "wandering eyes" for a few guys at school. That was the last Tony ever mentioned anything about school again.

That's why Tony had found one of the prettiest girls at school to date. Pepper, who was on the debate team and at the top of her honors classes, had been with Tony for about three months.

Then, Tony met Steve.

After hanging out a few times during lunch, Tony was finally convinced that the blonde didn't hate him. As they shared a bag of oversalted chips under the bleachers, Tony stared into those deep blue eyes and fell in.

Steve was confused when Tony dumped Pepper the next day. He was even more confused when Tony turned around and asked him out the day after.

Steve didn't mind it though. He accepted and has been dating Tony for a few weeks now. He was enjoying their small moments together, like lunch, that just meant so much more now.

However, not everyone felt that way.

Steve's POV

"Ew, it's him."

"He probably blackmailed Tony into dating him."

"He's only dating him because he's a pity case."

I sped walk down the halls to avoid all the insults that were being thrown at me. I quickly made it to class but, as always, I was early.

I sat in the corner thinking over what everyone was saying. Was Tony really dating me out of pity? Did he feel bad for me?

I have strong feelings for Tony but I'm not sure if the feelings are mutual. I didn't want anyone feeling bad for me.

I decided to ask Tony today at lunch.

The bell rang and people started filing in the classroom. Most people gave me dirty looks but I ignored them.

The teacher began her lesson but I wasn't paying attention this time. I was scribbling in my sketch book.

Before I knew it, the page was covered in broken hearts and cartoon crying faces. There were black splotches engulfing some of the art like an evil hand dragging it down. The whole piece looked like it belonged on the graffiti wall on the side of the school.


"Huh?" I snapped my head up and slammed the book closed.

Pietro sighed and frowned. I looked around at the empty classroom. Class is over already?

"Listen, I know this is hard for you and your getting bullied but it's only because you and Tony are the first gay couple at this school." He sat down on top of the desk beside me.

"Yeah, but that doesn't make it okay." I sighed and collected my books. I was headed for the door when Pietro tapped on my shoulder.

I turned slowly and tried my best not to snap at the younger boy because he was always nice to me. He's just a bit persistent.

"If it helps, I think you guys are perfect together. The perfect balance of personalities. You also inspired me to come out to Clint today," he smiled sheepishly.

"Thanks," I smiled, "I think you and Clint will be a nice couple too."

His cheeks tinted red and he looked down. "Only if he says yes," he said uncertainly.

"He will," I smiled at the silver haired boy before leaving for the cafeteria.

I immediately spotted Tony sweet talking one of the lunch ladies. She smiled and handed him an extra bag of chips. He winked before walking off.

"Tony!" I called out to him in the loud lunch room. He saw me and smiled.

"Hey, babe," he said meeting me halfway, "Want some chips?"

I shook my head and looked around at all the people that were staring at us.  We were standing in the middle of the lunch room.

"Can we talk? Alone?" I asked. He rose an eyebrow but nodded. He placed his lunch down on his table before following me out the crowded room.

"Everything alright?" He asked once we got into the empty hallways.

"Tony, I need you to be honest with me. Do you really like me?"

Tony's POV

"What?" I asked stupidly.

"Do you like me?" Steve repeated.

"Of course I do. Why would you ask that?" I asked. I hoped he didn't find out about my Dad and his homophobia.

"Everyone says you only dated me out of pity," he frowned.

I looked him in the eyes and I could tell that this was really getting under his skin. Of course, I heard a few people say some things but I knew it wasn't true.

"Baby, you are definitely not a pity case. I really like you and want to give our relationship a shot," I smiled.

He smiled but didn't look completely convinced. I leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. I was still getting use to the whole kissing a guy thing but I enjoyed kissing Steve.

His lips were soft and smooth.

"Promise?" He whispered.

"I promise."


Trash or want pt 5?


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