Guns N' Roses

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Slightly fem! Peter


he's so precious. omg.


"Wadeee," Peter whined, "Give my back my candy!"

Wade chuckled at his boyfriend's failed attempts to snatch the bag of M&M's out of the taller boy's hands that were extended straight up. People in the hallway threw them sideways glances, but the pair didn't notice, nor did they care.

"What's the magic word, baby boy?" Wade laughed down at the shorter boy. Peter pouted cutely and repositioned the flower crown on his head.

"I'll let you take me home after school today," Peter smiled slyly, knowing Wade couldn't resist him.

"Hmm, deal. Now give me a kiss," the older boy smirked. Peter rolled his eyes before leaning up to meet his boyfriend's lips, his flower print Vans creasing since he had to stand on his tip toes.

"You're adorable," Wade whispered pulling back. He gave the brunette his candy before slinging an arm around his shoulders. "So, where do you want to go for our date?"

Peter shrugged, ripping the package open and tossing a few of the chocolate candies into his mouth.

"I'm yours until ten, then Dad wants me home," he responded nonchalantly as they walked to their next period.

"How's Dad doing anyways?" Wade asked casually, like it was his own father. Wade was actually pretty close with Peter's family. They grew up together.

"Still dating that one blonde guy. He says he's really nice, but I haven't met him yet," Peter replied. His dad, Tony, had been divorced for about ten years now. Peter doesn't remember much about his mom other than she was never happy.

Oh, well. Her fault for marrying a gay man.

"Tell him no one's moving in until I approve," Wade said protectively. He may be young, but he knows Tony is short just like Peter. Wade easily towers over them and manages to look more menacing than the two Starks that look like they wouldn't hurt a blade of grass.

"Yes, sir," Peter giggled as they approached the door to his class.

"Well, I'll see you after school, baby," Wade said leaning down to peck the smaller boy's lips, "Meet me at my car."

"Mkay," Peter blushed before turning on his heel to enter his class.


"Where to, my love?" Wade asked, opening his car door for his pretty boyfriend.

"Doesn't matter," Peter smiled, getting into the car. Wade went to the other side to let himself in and drove away from the school.

"How about we go see a movie and have sex in the back seats?" He smirked. Peter groaned.

"We did that already. I wanna do something else," he whined, taking out his phone that was adorably in a pink bunny case. Wade loved when he used that case. The fluffy texture of it just looked so cute in Peter's petite fingers.

"Who are you texting?"

"Harry. Letting him know not to wait up for me," he responded without looking up. His fingers rapidly tapped on the screen.

"Oh, yeah, today's Wednesday isn't it?"

Ever since Peter and Wade started dating, Harry left like he was losing his best friend. So, they made a deal that Wednesday's were their hangout days. No Wade, just Peter and his best friend.

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