Hey, I Know You.

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The one where Wade doesn't know Peter is Spider-Man.

Dedicated to: @ whoeverRequestedThisBecauseIForgotButItsReallyGood

Ummm I accidentally published this early so I owe it to you guys to make this good  (it is)

Also dedicated to: @ EveryoneBecauseYoureAwesomeAndILY


"Petey, I've gotta go," Wade chuckled, untangling his limbs from the smaller boy next to him. Peter just pouted and sat up in Wade's bed.

"You beg me to come over, then kick me out the morning after?"

Wade clutched his chest dramatically in dismay at his boyfriend's words. He crawled back on top of him, smacking a kiss right on his forehead.

"I would never kick out my baby boy," Wade guaranteed, "Just stay here. I'll be back after this quick errand."

Peter laughed and rolled on his side to stare at Wade, "Since when did killing people become only errands?"

"Since I've been doing it long enough for it to be as easy as one," Wade retorted as he ripped through his closet to find his famous red and black suit.

"Under the dirty clothes bag," Peter assisted, knowing exactly where his boyfriend loses things.

"Heh, thanks babe," Wade winks over at the brunette in his bed before tugging on his spandex suit.

"Don't get any limbs cut off," Peter advised, rolling out of bed. His old band T-shirt rose up while he stretched his tired muscles, exposing his smooth skin and plaid boxers.

"Mmm, don't you worry, Baby Boy," Wade smirked, walking to his precious boyfriend to kiss his lips hungrily.

"Wade, you have to go," Peter mumbled against his lips as the mercenary slipped his fingers under his T-shirt.

"I know, but you look so good," Wade whined.

"Go," Peter laughed, pushing the older man towards the bedroom door, "Don't forget your katanas this time."

"That was one time!" Wade huffed and grabbed them out of the corner on his way to the front door. "Love you, sweetums! See you this afternoon!"

Peter rolled his eyes at the nickname, but couldn't hold back his smile, "Love you, bye."

Wade was gone after that and Peter wondered how he was going to pass the time. He scratched his messy bed head, deciding to switch on the TV and fix himself a bowl of cereal.

The static sound of the local news flowed throughout the small kitchen and living room section of Wade's apartment.

"A bank robbery has just occurred down here on 27th Street. Armed forces are waiting outside as there are rumors of hostages-"

Peter dropped his cereal onto the counter, a mouth of unchewed cereal still in his mouth. He quickly chewed his food up, bringing his wrist to his chest. He gently pressed on the sensitive part near his pulse making web fluid shoot out.

"Guess I've got a few errands to run too."


Peter swung in to his apartment after his hectic, yet successful errand. He began striping his own little red and blue spandex getup off to jump in the shower when his phone rang.


"Petey! Why aren't you still laying in my bed looking adorable in my boxers?" Wade's whine came from over the receiver.

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