Prince Stark

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Historic AU...

Bcuz I'm feeling it.


"Your Highness, you need to pick someone and soon."

"I refuse, Victoria. Did you see the men and women they had chosen for me? I wish to be with none of them," the Prince huffs stubbornly, falling back onto his canopy bed.

He hears a knock at the door and his personal maid, Victoria, answers it for him quickly uttering a greeting of 'My Queen'.

Tony scoffs as he unclips his sword from his belt so he can freely roll into his bed.

"I wish not to talk right now, Mother," the twenty year old mumbles into his pillow.

"Well, that's too bad because this talk is still happening. What is with you, Anthony? You need to pick someone to be your betrothed. Why can't you take this more seriously?" His mother chastises as she seats herself gracefully on her son's bed in her large creme colored gown.

"Maybe I would've taken it more seriously had you not have invited Clinton!" Tony albeit yells dramatically.

"And what is wrong with Clinton? The Barton kingdom has always been kind to us."

"Oh, I don't know, Mother. Maybe because he's my cousin!" Tony really does yell this time, causing Victoria to rush her cleaning task around the room so she can meet her leave more quickly.

"Cousin by peasant marriage sometime many years ago. That doesn't count, Sweetheart," his mother tries, but Tony isn't having it.

"No, I will not marry him, or Betsy of Galdon or Derek of Ridlin. I wish to have none of them," Tony huffs and his mother just sighs.

"You must make up your mind soon, Anthony. Your father is getting impatient," she tells him before leaving the room. Tony just sighs and falls back onto his bed.


"Steven! We need you in the dining hall!"

"Coming!" The young man called back to the head cook. He quickly finished the dish he was washing before rushing out to the dining hall.

However, he wishes he would've slowed down long enough to remember to take his apron off back in the kitchen. He gets to the dining room only to see it's filled with the Stark family as well as several other who were invited as suitors for marriage.

Steve is mortified as he quickly untied his apron and slung it over his shoulder like a towel. His cheeks flushed red in embarrassment as all of the royal families turned to look at the disheveled servant boy.

"Is everything well?" Queen Stark asked him, calling even more unwanted attention to himself.

"Of course. Thank you for your concern, my Queen," Steve bowed, his face becoming even hotter. He rushed to get the spotlight off of him because Prince Stark himself was staring at him with a gleam in his eyes.

Steve bowed in respect in the direction of the rest of the table before turning quickly to help the head cook pass out the royal dinner.


Steve sighed after his long day. He had to care for not just his King and Queen, but also four other royal families.

The celebration did not go well as it ended in Prince Stark storming away, upset that his suitors were not fit for his hand in marriage.

Steve held the candle further in front of him as journeyed down to the training room, far past dusk.

He was planning on doing a few cleaning task tonight so he can sleep in when morning comes. He squinted his eyes in confusion upon seeing another light source coming from the training room and he heard the sound of metal whooshing through the air.

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