❄️Done game❄️

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And the memories of the night before kept coming back preventing me from having a good night rest, I couldn't believe I did it again.

Tossing to the other side of the bed yet again, the call of the early morning prayer startled, wasn't it just 2am when I turned the face off my MacBook, plugging it to charge because it was warming and I didn't charge it completely the day before because I was busy.

And like any other day I pulled the duvet over my head just so I could block my ears, despite how much I tired I always wake up every morning to the call just that I don't pray yet I call myself a Muslim, shoving the thought to the back of my mind to prevent myself from feeling guilty about death or facing my lord.

I decided to think of the day ahead which was going to be pretty eventful, Zahra was coming over which meant Laylah won't just rest, she was going to prepare dishes which I was looking forward to of course to helping out eating, I can never cook to safe my life. Yet my mother was the best cook in the whole of Kano, she owes a restaurant.

It was funny how we spent half our life in Kano instead of my fathers state of origin which we go there only occasionally which was always eventful and full of memories, but let's skip the part of having to travel admits the hold up.

Sun ray was already penetrating through my curtains, which meant the sun was already up and maybe it was time I have to walk up, I knew I had dark cycle bags under my eyes. I skipped looking at the mirror to avoid seeing how my eyes was pale from lack of sleep.

Stripping my nightie from my body, my gaze mistakenly landed on the mirror where I had a clear look on my neck which had hickey and they where pretty bad, reminding me of the memories, a smile make it way to my lips.

I missed us, that was if there was any I was still trying hard to make a name for our relationship but found none, deciding to carrying on with my business which I did.

The room was sparkling clean by the time I was out on the door mats, my bed was laid to perfection thanks to Layla's maid I couldn't think of living my life in the hostel who would have done all this things for me, I hate working even when I was in boarding school I only make my bed on days I knew they where coming for inspection and once I turned into the senior classes most junior do it for me.

Applying my moisturizer on my skin, a foundation to cover up the hickey on my neck just so Laylah won't notice, she was mad at me the night before because I came home late, biggie didn't let me go until I satisfied him and I was feeling bad about it all though the night but I enjoyed every bit of us.

Settling on a maxi boubou gown I skipped down the stairs into the kitchen in search of breakfast, it was a Saturday morning Laylah always make healthy breakfast.

And just like every weekend Laylah decided to prepare a healthy breakfast which consisted of beans cake aka Akara with Guinea corn gruel but knowing I was allergic to Guinea I had to take it which something else which I settled on cereals.

Knowing Ahmed who has a big mouth was going to take from my bowl also I decided to make something for two, bringing out the ingredients I'll be needing humming a song to myself, Laylah was giving me a strange eyes seeing as I was readily bringing out the ingredients she was hoping to see me make it myself but then nah I wasn't giving her the satisfaction.

Once done arranging the ingredients I pulled out a chair from the mini dinner table for two she had in her kitchen I guess it was for when she was newly wedded just so they could do there romantic stuff, shaking my head from the thoughts I called upon her maid who was standing doing nothing.

"You can make custard ai"

I asked to which she noded.

"Good, you place the water to let it boil then cut this fruits into small shapes"

Laylah was reprimanding me with her eyes but I wasn't having it, it was something I promised to myself and am holding it up tightly I was never going to cook not even to save my life.

"Ya Rahil"

Ahmed sang coming into the room, and he pulled towards my legs giggling, the guy was something else I thought to myself he was too energetic for a five year old.

"Wadup man"

And we did the hands stuff he was always found of doing, "I missed you"

He said making me ruffle his hair playfully, I never get time to bond with him except on weekends, when we always meet up in the kitchen that's if I wasn't hiding away in my room. He was always busy away in school and only return 5pm then get to have a lesson, he was always sleeping during the night time.

"Mami, ya ansar is here with daddy in his study, his having breakfast with us"

And at the mention my head snap, rolling my eyes heaven wards the lover boy of course have to show up, if his Juliet was spending the day over her but I promise he won't get to even talk to her today she was coming for me and not for him, I got possessive as if I didn't see them together.


Each engrossed with his phone, Zahra was currently in my room on my bed with her phone glued to her face, well literally.

"Do you follow Mermah on gram"

Zahra suddenly asked out of the blue making me wonder if she was referring to me, raising my brows in question.

"Just have a look"

Shoving her phone to my face, I could swore my heart skipped a bit from what a saw, it was just taken couple of minutes ago maybe why the idiot didn't have it in him to call me just after everything he said yesterday, the fake promises. This was it.

Am done and it's all over there was nothing more to hold on to, absolutely nothing


Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu zaynab

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