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The state inwhich I saw him the last wasn't at least the best of it, but then how could someone so beautiful turn this way. I can't even bring myself to stop thinking about it.

I know Zahra loved him with all her heart but he was only accusing her of leading him on when her feelings for him wasn't even reel just how could this even be possible.


My name been called made me blink out of my thought, Laylah was standing before me.

Giving her a smile, she handled her car key to me. It only meant one thing she wanted me to run an errand for her, a big scowl was marring my face and she was furthering a very big cheesy smile making me sick.

"What is this now"

I said more like grumbled,

"You know my condition, and the driver isn't back from the market I can't drive and Ahmed has to be in school"

Setting my lips in a tight straight line, have I forget to mention to you all that Laylah is bed rest, she's expecting a second child which I so much hope to be a female because why not I want to have someone I can twin and spoil rotten.

Pulling off the heavy jilbab I wore over my pj to drop Ahmed off to school, I was suffocating but to say the list, the piece of clothing did look great with me in it, even thought beige always compliments my caramel skin which wasn't even a surprise.

"Thank you so much Allah ya miki Albarka"

Laylah prayed upon sighting me coming into the living room looking disheveled as ever with the hijab folded in my hands. Offering her a smile I made way to my room to get to take a refreshing bath, I was going to school I so much missed Zahra Wallahi, I couldn't even make new friend since she's gone which is proximately getting to two months just how fast time flee.

Zahra guided her problems away from me saying she doesn't want me to worry unnecessary which I would lie if I said it didn't hurt me, she was going through something gigantic but she wasn't letting anyone in not even me, her brother even complain about her cutting all ties with her family even her mother which wasn't the best thing.

Settling on a sunset hue yellow maxi dress. A matching shoes and turban to cover my unruling hair which remaind me to stop by the salon to get my hair unlocked.

Waving Laylah good bye, I made my way to the lots to get my car only to bump into ansar on my way, he was a bit okay compared to the last time I saw him over at his house, and he gave me a shadow smile which I almost felt was all my imagination but I was sure the invisible smile sat on his lips so well.

Offering my morning greeting which was the first, heck I was never one to greet first why was I even doing that for him maybe because I pitied him so much he was going through enough heartbreak, I heard Laylah talking to her mother in-law about finding him a girl, so he could get married also but then I disagreed with there planes he would never like it or even agree to it.

It won't even be healthy for him because even if he agrees to getting married also, he was only going to end up hurting himself. And that was first instead of roaring the car to life I found myself thinking about someone else life where mine was pretty much uglier than any one could picture.

The school was boring but a little bit eventfully since I bumped into biggie but the guy pretending as though he didn't see me which he did hurt my heart, Zahra always told me he was playing me knowing I love him blindly and could go against anyone or anything just to please him but the thing I witnessed today made me.

I couldn't get my mind off the scene even though I tried but I couldn't I had to bump class to go back home but Laylah stoped me yet again by the corridor leading to the stairs.

I blinked my eyes countless time to get the tears blurring my vision away from my eyes but it was proving hard, "are you here"
She asked getting my attention it was as though I zoomed into space everything was too much I thought to myself bracing myself after a heavy breath exhale I have to put a stop to whatever feeling it was I had for him. It wasn't even appreciated neither was it healthy.

"My head will spilt into two"

My voice crack and I scrubbed onto my feet, this was it I was loosing it I will let them see my at my woarst which wasn't a good idea.


Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu zaynab

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