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It was as though everyone was living with pains, one's we don't every get to talk about. It's always one thing or the other that hold us down, tying up our wings and not letting us fly that was the what was happening but with Ramadan I felt like I could finally breath again joking and eating admist my family member just remind me of how much I caged myself.

"Wallahi ai ansar doesn't like people any longer"

My elder brothers wife Laylah joked, but I could feel the mockery in her voice because if anything we where more like best of friends but not anymore, I couldn't even remember the last time I went over to her house, I was already guilt tripped heck I ran my hands over my hair apologetically.

"Wallahi kinsan aiki"
(Work is hectic and something along the line)

I bought up a well know excuse ducking my head low.

"Ahh that's what you keep saying ai, better find a wife we want a grand wedding by the end of the year"

My step mother chipped in, she had been wanting to hit me up with her sister's daughter which I don't find interesting because she was so much like a particular person I don't want to remember talk more of spending the rest of my life with.

Calming myself down because I had some excuse off my sleeve to run back to Abuja as soon as I could which will be in less than 12 hours, it was planed that I was going to stay with Laylah sister more like baby sit her because she was still in Abuja in the house all alone.

But I didn't decline the offer since when my mother informed me, I was sure she was also finding an escape routine for me from my step mothers shenanigans she got my father all wrapped up around her little pinky finger which was very annoying while growing up.

And before one could believe it I was already boarding the plane back to Abuja where I have to baby sit someone well knowing how to never let our path cross was something I set my mind straight on making me feel at least at ease, knowing Rahil could be the devil herself or the devils sisters which ever one she decided to work on was her concern.

I couldn't help shaking myself out of the thought of our encounter always end into a mess, and we would be living in the same roof for over two weeks, so help me god I pray the psychopath doesn't kill me in my sleep.

The driver picked me up from the airport which I was very thankful for if anything I hate public transport or even calling a bolt I rather call on one of my friends to pick me up.

Exchanging heart felt pleasantries, I got into the car and we took of to the house, and much to my surprise the house was pretty quite for a weekend even though it was evening time and I couldn't help but to think about Iftar, I hate eating out during Ramadan I know I have to adjust to that knowing Rahil couldn't cook to save her life.

Freshening up I came down the stairs to check the kitchen to see if I could prepare something for myself to be met to Rahil who was standing by the gas, eyes glued to the pot as though not sure of what she was cooking, walking further into the cooking house.

My footsteps got her attention, she was confuse at first but was soon to max of her expression with a smile my way maybe I was dreaming I thought to myself because the fasting was getting to me not to talk about how the sun was so harsh.

Seeing I wasn't ready to talk or reciprocate the smile she weaved her hand at me sending a small hello my way, I won't hurt to be nice maybe I could get to eat what she was making, I made an excuse in my head my face lifting up into a fake smile with the mere look of it one could easily trace a finger on.

"How was your trip"

And she went again asking, it was as if I was in the room with a complete different person, because the Rahil I know won't talk to a person first I wonder why the change though.

"Am just trying to be nice, ansar you won't have to be awkward around me and I don't bite"

Ahh for a minute I felt as if the real Rahil was back but she was soon turning a spatula into the pot stirring deep, a different person maybe she change for the better I gave her benefit of doubt.

"Am making noodles I watched the recipe online, and I got to try it if not I did starve to death. The maid lost her son so she did be on a long break, I talked to Laylah about a new maid so we won't die"

Those where the longest Rahil ever spoke with me, and I felt lost admist her words because she felt like an alien maybe I should run this isn't the devil sister or is she just trying to lure me into one of her games.

Shaking of my thought and giving her the benefits of doubt I settled on one of the chairs in the spacious cooking house, in complete silence waiting for the food to done just so I could eat, the aroma was making my stomach grumble as she placed a plate filled with noodles before me, I was just going to eat there and maybe go to the mosque after wards.

The ahzan for magrib prayer had already called a while ago and my fast had already been broken I just wanted to eat, lol and behold at the first spoon my ears went screw due to the amount of spicy, this is total shit I was on my feet after swallowing what tasted like blad.

I knew it, Rahil couldn't cook to save her life, and the look she was giving me seeing my reaction was accusing, well she doesn't expect me to actually eat what will spoil my stomach nahh, I gave her one of my fakest smile one I haven't give anyone in a while before hurriedly leaving the kitchen, but she was hot on my track, I only got to notice her when I reached the door to my room.

"Am hungry"

She said with a pout on her lips making me want to laugh out loud, I thought you just cooked you can eat it ai, I said to myself.

"But I think you made indomie"

"But I only tried because you came just so you won't starve I can't eat that food else I did die"

She was already stomping her feet on the ground, "but you could get something out"
I suggested the girl was making me have a headache, this was the longest conversation I had in a while she a nagger,..

"But my car spoiled and the mechanic said something about the engine knocking out, can we go together"

She was giving me this pleading look with her eyes blinking I had to tell her to stop all those, I did not the less in my head before letting her to get ready I'll do same after praying.

What do you think is going on with this two 😂😂
Rahil the drama queen

It's my birthday month

Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu zaynab

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