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My days are becoming pretty much eventful, which I never thought will with the jerk around well I shouldn't be calling him that, when he was on his best behavior, well I won't say we are getting pretty much along but I was calming myself not to slit his throat into two, and this was it I exahale a breath feeling a light tap on my shoulder.

Turning my attention I girl i got acquainted to who goes by the name aisha sat close to me looking exhausted, she's the only person I could stand because Zhara was gone and I couldn't even name what our relationship was like now, it was as though the miles between us has caused enough space between us.

"I don't think i can stay for this fix class"

Aisha said after exhaling breath I knew it wasn't easy fasting and school, and it was as if all the lectures and school management where after our life it was always one test after another and no one would want to miss that knowing he won't be given any makeup unless with a valid reason.

"But we should just attend besides it's almost 2"

I tried and she agreed reluctantly agreed then the place fell into a comfortable silence, the garden was always free from crowd, which was my resting place, I was busy with my phone chatting away with Zhara's brother who I would say our relationship was starting to get to the next level, he was ready to send his parents to ask for my hands but I was stoping him with the excuse of let's get to know each other some more, when in real I wasn't prepared, I wasn't having any feeling for him.

Placing my phone down,we got on our feet to move to the next class, which ended 3 hours it was supposed to be a two hours  lectures but the man been a professor always talks a lot he could spend the whole of 24 hours and still complain that the time not been enough.

Umar was by his car waiting for me, he arrived an hour ago, insisted to wait for me. Instead of going and coming back saying he had no other work left when I knew he just wanted to wait for me, the guy could do something more than that just to prove how much he was in love with me or so I thought, but I wasn't having any of it, my heart moved seeing how he sat very lonely busy with his phone.

"Am sorry"
I said as soon as I got inside his car which was so cold due to the air conditioner, he smiled it off asking how the class was, filling him in about how the class went from a two hours class to a three he laughed it off saying some lectures can be too inconsiderate which I agreed to.

The ride came to a halt but I didn't make way to get off the car remaining in my previous position obviously tired, "woah is your maid back"
He inquired which I shocked my head negatively at, he knew tabs about everything going on in my life because we made it a habit to always fill each other about our day.

"Then get ready after magrib we will go on a date"

More like a statement his questions sounded well this was the first, I noded my head which he laughed at, "so today's fasting is really beating, do you have any place you wanna go in mind"

I had to think first but no place came up
"Seriously I don't, I can't even remember, I just need to pray and rest for the remaining hours left"

Heaving an exhausting sign, he got that as a cue and we weaved each other good bye not after pressuring me to collect the paper bag he stored behind his car which I didn't notice earlier on, he always make sure to not come empty handed since when we started getting to know each other more.

Ansar was in the living room where I placed the paper bag and my hand bag, not saying a word to him I made sure I undo my hijab before settling on the sofa next.

His attention was completely on the television, I was always one to start of a conversation but I wasn't feeling it today we could go on as the house mate we where supposed to be for the rest of the days which I knew would worry him, not knowing when I drifted into slumber feeling a light tap on my bear feet pulled me out of it, "it's time for magrib"
He grumbled out making his way out of the door which I followed with eyes before getting on my feet and making way into the kitchen to get a date fruit break my fast with.

And within the next 30 minutes I was already feeling more energetic, umar called earlier so we could shifted the date after isha prayer which I was glad for I could get ready better, still ansar wasn't back and I couldn't care less he could come back to an empty home, I thought to my self pulling out a navy blue maxi dress from my many row dresses, "I think it would do" I said to myself pulling out a veil which was a royal blue one.

Settling into the grown I opt to apply minimal makeup before he arrives which he did earlier than I expected with my veil in one hand bag in the other I rushed down the stairs just so I won't keep him waiting.


Well I skipped update last week 😩
School had been hectic and life 😑

Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu zaynab

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