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Allah does burden a soul beyond it could bear, where the words that kept me moving but damn I was hurt and fucking lost, can I even endure this, I was merely lliving my mother tried everything, every one around me tried but I just couldn't seem to move on, they have no idea. when everything reminds me of her how was I even supposed to be fine again.

Nodding my head at what my mother was saying and even with a  knife place on over cervix I couldn't recall what it was we where discussing about, I was merely listening and wasn't thinking I was just sited spaced out.

Sensing my attention wasn't with her she heaved a sign of exhaustion, I guess she was starting to give up on trying me find me.

The presence of the maid in her room make her attention to the maid who informed about my brothers family, I was a bit glad that there presence was going to pull my mother out of the pool of worries she was drowning herself into all because of me.

"Ansar I won't be tired of saying this to you that, whatever is your will eventually reach you even if it between two hefty mountain, you should accept this as your destiny. It's never easy but sabr patience, mai hakuri zai iya dafa duste kuma ya sa romo. "The patient dog eat the fattest bone"

I gave her a smile that didn't even reach my eyes wanted to sleep but that also seemed to not work I keep having nightmares, thinking it was all a dream and everything will be back to normal once I wake up, but then it was taking longer and maybe just like my friend Abas suggested I should take a while away from all this maybe take the course I ditched from the start.

Well initially I studied computer science but having setting my mind on taking the routine down the business lane just so I won't over work myself, because the course i studied will take my whole time maybe this was why I choose the course to study in the first place.

Initially I wanted skipping to my room but bumped into Ahmed on my way making me knee to his level.

"I have been searching for you uncle"

He gave me a toothy grin his dentition in display having sight his two front teeths missing, well maybe I skipped a lot from his life he was my favorite nephew but having going through this I lost interest in everything.

"Wow I can see our teeths are missing already"

Rubbing his weaver hair in the process as I stood back again on my feet he seemed as if he wanted telling me something but contemplating it.

"You can tell me"

I pressed on with a smile making him nod his head at me.

"Rahil, said she want to see you in the lobby"

Heaving a sign i wasn't holding a while ago, I have been avoiding her, no all the people around me just so I Won't have to be remained about the sour topic, but this time I felt the need to go and listen to whatever it was she was going to say to me.

And unlike any other days as our path crossed today felt different I could feel it within me from the look she threw my way hearing my footsteps approaching her, she was relieved for a few second but her face fell seeing the condition I was in, I had dark circles under my eyes, heavy sleeping bags also not to mention I stink well I don't bath I was losing interesting in everything around me which wasn't good.

Rahil offered me a small smile to lift off the awkward tension building around us, I didn't feel the need to start up the conversation, if anything a headache was already building around my scull. She requested to see me and I granted her request so she should both save us the strength and say whatever it was she wanted saying.

"How are you"

She said after what felt like forever her voice shaky, well I would say if I wasn't surprised with this side of her she was showing what was with all the pretense to be shy. I resist the urge to roll my eyes at her, she will be forever the sly girl I knew her to be perhaps she was even here to mock me knowing we could be term as enemies and I knew Rahil must be joyous seeing I was heartbroken.

"How are you ansar"
She repeated, sensing I had zoomed off or I didn't hear her clearly, this was the first she ever called my name and I would say I'll pay to hear her call it one more time, I just can't say what came over me.


I said my voice coming out hoarse from lack of speaking too often.

"But you don't look Alhmdulilah"

Her left brows was raised at me questionably making me look at my feet awkward, shit she was making me feel like a damn lie actually she was very good at that, I tried making myself feel better.

"Well I just hope you will be fine, I promised Zahra to look after you, she isn't fine also, she missed you and also hate everything that happened but you all can't do anything, she's lost. She gave me this to give you"

And at her words I felt angry just how was I supposed to be fine, my anger wasn't at least directed to Rahil but to Zahra the mere mention of her name make me want to throw up all my gut, yet I try making myself believe it wasn't her fault, but heck it was her damn fault.

Wasn't our love worth fighting for better than pleasing her selfish parent my anger was building with every passing minutes.

Love wan turn to hatred o
Nobody should come after me, ansar is only doing the right thing.
Zahra choosed her family over him

😂😂 evil laughter
Well let me go back to my k drama


Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu zaynab

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