❄️yesteryears ❄️

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It was still unbelievable as her attitude changed toward me, rahil grinned sweetly at me as our gaze clashed. She had been good since I arrived at her home to pick her up of course I didn't expect that if anything I was preparing to see her throwing tantrums of not wanting to go with me.

But here we where in the train sited across each other, maybe she was planning of how to poison me to death once we arrived at Abuja. All case scenario was playing in my head as to why she was suddenly nice but I couldn't bring myself to ask.

Only she was capable of making me this way, always thinking about her she was totally unbode, doing the total opposite of what is expected of her to do and it's was getting scary.

"Staring too much is rude"
It was as though I was imaging her voice in my head but her lips where moving which meant I wasn't ideating things now.

"I beg my pardon, but why are you suddenly nice to me again"

She was looking at me and it was creeping, then she gave me a smirk one that would leave a knot tied to your stomach from queasy.

"I just thought about your proposal and it isn't totally a bad idea to get to know each other"

It was as if my ears where playing sorcerous tricks on me because this, what I just had was formed in my brains.

"You shouldn't act that way after you have just gotten accepted"

I couldn't say what I heard was true, maybe I was now hearing thing and felt dread in cold perspire, was she planing to kill me.

"Look I knew I said many things but by Allah I mean it rahil, I just feel we could be friends and maybe get married letter on it's no joke"

She didn't held any expression instead a blank one sipping on the orange juice she brought before we boarded.

"And I have come to terms with it, we could be best of friends and maybe get married"

I could see how headstand she was in saying the last word but she did with a wild smile like a child who won a candy lottery.

"What made you change your mind?, early you where all defensive"

She exhaled a breath, capping the bottle of her juice.

"I just realized that zahra isn't my blood sister, she was just a friend I met all thanks to you"

And she gave a shoulder shrug as though she wasn't the one who was all defensive two days ago and here she was acting as if she hit her head today before waking up, I
Search for injuries on her forehead but found nothing.

"Staring isn't good you should at least say something isn't it what you wanted"

It was as if she had grown two Caput but only one was visible it was wrapped beautifully with a beige jersey veil complimenting her skin.

"It's just surprising, how did you conversation with zahra went"

And I was becoming distressed all of a sudden not because of any thing but knowing who rahil was, maybe zahra didn't complete know who her friend was and now her biggest enemy foe-woman, rahil sucked in her lower lips a smile pulling it self as she was now laughing, she was laughing very furiously and one could think I told her some joke but I didn't.

"You know zahra is a fool"

How she went within seconds from laughing to featuring a deep lour was beyond me.
And I was speechless she was looking me dead in the eyes with no fear at all or blink before taking her eyes off me with a sign.

"We shouldn't be talking about her it gives me pyrexia"

The pace in which she switched humor was beyond me better still I nodded my head we will come to that as time goes on.

"So what do you like in a guy"

She paused as though she was thinking then gave a cheeky smile, "well you are nothing like the type of guy I want, but it won't hurt to try"

She was always sincere which was something I was already liking about her, "what do you like in a girl am sure am no match for what you would like"

Making me chuckled, there was never a dull moment with her and it was another thing, guys that was making me like her and no doubt with the way things are going I was going to fall hard, or should we see who fall first me or her.

"Well I, you are not sort of a girl I would like but rahil am liking you and I don't know how or why"

She hide her blush so well but her lips gave her away making me laugh out again,
"You know there was something about you that always irked me, but I can't believe we are sited having a civil conversation"

The humor gave her voice away she was right, it was unbelievable.

"But I had a dark past, I don't know if you won't mind me sharing it with you, I never did with anyone. And am getting way to comfortable with you wanting to share my darkest and deepest secrets but you are my friend now"

Her words held deep emotion wanting to laugh it off within her words.

"We all had shared of those yester years that I won't mind you keeping it away from me", she doesn't have to share I would totally understand.

"No I would and that would be the first step of our friendship"

She was right but this wasn't a place for such.

"We would come to that, am not in a hurry bebe and we have forever to talk about that"

She gave me a grin in an attempt to keep her blush but her cheeks where getting pink which of course wasn't visible to me thanks to the melanin protecting her skin.

"My cheeks hurts already ansar"


Ahh ahh su bebe manya

This book was supposed to be short o but I'll try my best to warp it up at 55 chapters which is ten more chapters from here.

So how's Ramadan.

Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu zaynab

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