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It was as if the loud thud was coming from my head or something was crashing I couldn't say which it was, I barely managed to get some sleep but here I was awake.

The thud seemed to have stop making me close my eyes some more but it came back again this time more rapidly making me open my eyes slowly taking in my surroundings, I was very much in my room nothing was crashing but the sound was still coming which was from the door.

Moving to get the door which was jolt almost to my face made me let go and move steps backward, it was my mother then laylah came inside I wasn't even given the chance a raging bang landed on my face almost making me lose balance and before I could register more came and I couldn't even connect the dot.

It was only when they successfully pulled my mother out of the room that the beating stop and the pain come rushing back, I was in tears crying uncontrollably why would she do this to me now, what have I done to deserve all this from her.

It wasn't until my fathers voice came that I raised my eyes to look at him with surprise masking my gaze, his words cut directly through my heart hurting me some more the pain wasn't even there any more.

"Am highly discomfited of you, you're an utter disgrace"
He spotted bitterly.
And he was out of the room with my mother in his arms not after giving me a disgusting look.

Laylah was the only one now left in the room, I was no longer sobbing but the tears where still screaming down my eyes in full force. What have I done that they are even leaving me in the dark.

"You should clean up"

Laylah said to me as if scared to come near me, the hesitant was there on her face. I wanted to scream and ask her what was all that for, was this a nightmare what have I done shouldn't they at least pull me out of the darkness, but my voice failed me I couldn't even bring myself to move not until she called out my name.

"Rahil" laylah called out quietly as if her voice was any bit meretricious it'd harm me, I look up to her with questionable eyes.

"Rahil you're hurt"
She stated avoiding my regard, heck she was hurting me some more.

"Laylah you should tell me what I have done... why me"

My voice was gruff from the too much emotions and I was trying hard not to crack up.

"You did everything rahil"
She threw angrily stroking me into more disarray, then she closed her eyes trying hard to keep herself calm which she did and all before my eyes everything was as happening too sudden.

"Your nude went viral rahil and...."

I saw the panic in her, her eyes voice lips trembling and everything. I knew that was the breaking point for me but the racing of my heart picked up as soon and I was out of breath and in no time she was helping me breath but none was what she was saying was helping because at some point my heart stopped...

The tension in the room could be felt by the two occupants, rahil had this feeling she couldn't describe of worry and anxiety making it difficult for her to think straight while ansar on the other hand wanted the console her but the anger he was feeling within him was stoping him.

"I had a very disheveled past it was.."
Rahil paused torn between the conflict of finding the right word to describe to him and the fair of laying bear before his eyes how would he look at her again.

Ansar watched waiting as time passed without her saying anymore, he could feel her pain of been betrayed but he was damn mad at her for been so stupid and foolish if anything he feel disgust wanting to throw up his Witt or better still scold her.

"It didn't stop only in exchanging nude, we had more at some point in my life I thought he was the only thing I needed he was my life I couldn't breath without him and by Allah I wasn't happy with myself, i it was all in the past..."

She was breathless with the way she kept getting choked on her word to the way her voice broke, ansar knew something within him was broken seeing her this way, rahil was the strongest girl he had every seen or should he say she was very good at pulling up her big girl pant just so she won't look vulnerable but yet the girl sited across him was nothing near what he pictured her to be if anything she was helpless.

He couldn't tell when his feet moved on there own accord to where she was to comfort her and her cried died down much later.

"It was wrong of you rahil, you shouldn't have let any of his words get into you to make you this way. He would be arrested for doing this to you"

There was something about his voice that scared rahil he shouldn't arrest him, she doesn't want her secret getting out more, biggie who she knew and was sure of would use many other things against her that she won't even want to be alive anymore.

She was quick to shake her head at his last statement, showing her disagreement. "It was my fault please don't arrest him"

Ansar could detest the panic and worries on her voice but heck he would deal with who ever was behind this it was a promise he made to himself this morning it would serve as an example to the likes of him.

"Look rahil, been scared won't change the fact that your videos has gone viral. What he did was very wrong and he would be dealt with it's a promise so you don't have to worry"

Ansar tried to pacify her but rahil wasn't having it.

"He would do must worst than this"
Rahil stated having a horrific look married to her face, ansar was stunned for a few moments.

"Are you still in a relationship?.."

His voice gave him away as to what he was feeling, rahil was quick to shake her head vehemently then she let there gaze meet for the first time that day since he arrived.

"Then what are you scared of"
Ansar voice was raised what he didn't wanted to do in the first place but the girl was practically driving him crazy making him lose the last bit of patience he was trying to keep in check.

"I... we have broken up since before I started school"

"Then what is it you are scared of rahil what more have you done..."

Rahil closed her eyes for brief second letting the pain take over her body as uncontrollable tears kept streaming down her eyes, she was exhausted and if she knew this was what awaited her day before then she won't have woken up she thought to herself.

This was it what she feared the most,

"Ansar you should just divorce me"

Ansar was sure his ears where playing tick on him but rahil bloodshot eyes where staring death at him.


Only two more chapters


All right reserved
Aleeyu zaynab

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