4.finally home

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march.8.2022 —time skip a week
I get at the ass crack of dawn which is about 3am i put on my happy taylor swift playlist as i take a shower. I put on a tank top and jeans and also bring a jacket because i heard new york was cold in march, i love the cold but i never am in it because i live in fucking Arizona, my uber finally gets to my house.I get my suitcases and leave by 3:30, i pull up to the airport, go through security within 15 minutes since it was so early no body was there i get coffee and water get some gum and maybe sleep pills so i can just pass out i have 4 and a half hours to sleep which i definitely will need since i will be running around with jamie when i get there, i stop what i'm doing when i hear my phone ringing.

I get my suitcases and leave by 3:30, i pull up to the airport, go through security within 15 minutes since it was so early no body was there i get coffee and water get some gum and maybe sleep pills so i can just pass out i have 4 and a half hour...

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-i laugh as i see young Jamie on my phone then i answer there phone but i do wonder why he's up right now-

hey are you at the airport yet

yes sir i am ,i love when you call me but
why exactly are you calling me
at almost 4 in the morning shouldn't you
be asleep

sleep why would i sleep when i know my favorite girl is gonna fly to me in a few hours

you excited to see me?

of course i am how could i not be

i'm so ready to be out of Arizona

yeah me too i've missed you loads
it's weird being with someone everyday
all day then i have go cold turkey
and only call or text and that's
if i have time, i hate this

i've missed you too J
we need to figure out
how i can see you more,
wait we should move into
an apartment together

you're joking right you love our home town

loved,yeah not really after
everything with my parents happened
i haven't liked it
and i especially don't like it
when you aren't here

you know i wish i could be there but every time i try and fly out i have to film something, how long do you have till you board

i know you do
don't stress about that
and it's not too
bad about 40 minutes

you nervous i know you hate flying,
did you eat today

of course i'm nervous and no because i was afraid i was just gonna throw it up

okay when i pick you up we can go eat want to stay on the call till you have to board

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