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waking up next to Jamie every day was the best feeling ever, today I woke up and smile to myself as I reach over to Jamie who isn't there my eyes open looking over to his side of the bed I start to panic before he walks in "Good morning dear I made your favorite food I was gonna make breakfast but it's already 11 so I figured why not make us grilled cheese" god I really could listen to his talks forever with his cute accent, and we eat while watching The Great BBritish Bake Off "So I was thinking" I cut him off by laughing "Well that can't be good but go on" he rolled his eyes while taking his last bite of the grilled cheese "Since we haven't had really any dates I'm going to take you out" I jump excitingly
"yay where are we going" he sighs
"its a surprise" I hate surprises and he knows this
"what do I h-"
"You hate surprises I know this but it will be fun so just dress casually and we can leave whenever you are ready" he kisses my forehead leaving me to finish my food while he takes a shower

"was the blindfold necessary for this"
"Absolutely it was,now don't take it off we're almost there"
About 5 minutes later the car stops one door opens and closes then next to my door is open he helps me out and to the mystery place he takes off my blind and I see cute pottery everywhere eventually I put the pieces together "Aww shut up J I've been wanting to do this thing since I was little but I don't know I just never did" he chuckles "Yeah I remember you saying you wanted to make pottery for a living you went through so many phases and I knew you never made any So here we are" we hug and cling on to him "thank you" I kiss his cheek "anything for you, love" we walk over to the guy that runs the shop he sets us up and leaves us to make some art which we aren't that good at I finish making my very uneven bowl and walk over to Jamie who's attempting to make a vase I curl my arms around his waist "you are doing.. something its very.. um cute" he rolls his eyes "oh fuck off yours is terrible too" I gasp "it is not mine is a work of art" he finally looks at me "yeah what a art piece It is" now we both stare at my bowl looking pottery then bust out in laughter. After another 30 minutes of Jamie sculpting his vase and me staring at him while he does it, he finally finishes it we walk out with are pieces we have clay all over us as we laugh at the clay that is now stuck in Jamie's butt "How did it even get in my arse"  he just stands there baffled as I cackle loudly people in the parking lot now getting annoyed at me but it only makes me laugh even more "god I love you so much" him saying that makes me stop laughing now I'm blushing extremely

"oh are you blushing"

"nope" I cross my arms

"you are"

"okay maybe but I'm still not used to us being together I don't think I ever will"

"I love you" he kisses me with everything in his body which makes me forget that we are standing in the middle of a parking lot.
"I love you more" I finally say after pulling apart from him
he kisses me again this time it was quicker and hungrier "no you don't" our hands let go as he gets in the car I stand there touching my stomach that is fluttering, I hop in the car we put on some cheesy love songs for the ride back
"did you have fun?"
"Uh yeah I had a blast anything is fun if it's with you"
"Dear God thena that was so cheesy"
"Shut up ass hole" I say while pushing him
Jamie drives while I scream Lana Del Rey
"So what are we doing with our art pieces" I say dramatically "These bad boys are going in the apartment" Jamie suddenly says "Jamie no mine sucks and I love you and you know that but yours sucks too" he looks over at me for a split second with a shocked look on his face "so rude and I don't care it tells a story and we made it on our first official date so we shall keep it for everyone to see" I laugh knowing he's not going to change his mind "okay then we shall".

"I love you more" I finally say after pulling apart from him he kisses me again this time it was quicker and hungrier "no you don't" our hands let go as he gets in the car I stand there touching my stomach that is fluttering, I hop in the car we p...

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@jamieflatters: we are horrible at pottery🤭——————————————————

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@jamieflatters: we are horrible at pottery🤭

-@jamieflatters: keep lying to yourself darling

@balieybass: THENA CUTIEEEE
-@AthenaTheGodess: AWWW BAILS

@Jackthechampion: show me the bowl dawg
-@AthenaTheGodess: no😝

@Samworthington: watch it Jamie
-@AthenaTheGodess: 😀

@charlieweiss: awwwwwwwwwww
-@jamieflatters: yeah yeah😒
-@AthenaTheGodess: bitch shut up anyway ikrrrr char😚

  -@user2: I THINK SO

-@jamieflatters: eh maybe
-@AthenaTheGodess: again bitch shut up yes trin we will hangout soon

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