10. up all night

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march 22.2022
i'm in new york my dream place to visit i think I would love to live here one day, I see my favorite people at least 3 times a week and me and Jamie have been staying up late doing stupid shit this is what I missed not just the big things like when we went to amusement parks or going out to fancy dinners but times when it's just me and him running around being carefree.
"Jamie we should go on the roof of the apartment," I said as we walked back toward his apartment "Um should I be worried that you just asked me that" he loves dark humor just as much as I do so we look at each other than just start laughing "come on you idiot" and with that athena dragged him up the whole way to the apartment then to the roof, while they sat there watching the sunrise Jamie just had his arm around her and she had her head on his shoulder he has to hold her up because of how tired she is.
"i've missed doing this with you, getting on your roof and watching the sunrise or we stargazed" Jamie said breaking the comfortable silence "oh my god stargazing we have to do that" i said getting excited he knew my favorite things were the stars so stargazing with him is well i'm gonna quote hannah montana you get the best of both worlds god i can't believe i just thought that,
"yeah of course we can but after you get sleep you look like your about to pass out in my arms" i puff out air "what are you talking about i'm wide awake" i sing the last part
"here you go again singing randomly"
" you love it don't lie" he gasps and puts his hand on his heart "i would never lie not to you at least." after they watched for another fifteen minutes of watching the sunrise they went up and passed out slept all day till they woke up at 4am oh joy their sleep schedules are gonna be fucked up for a while but i was worth it to have all this time together.

" after they watched for another fifteen minutes of watching the sunrise they went up and passed out slept all day till they woke up at 4am oh joy their sleep schedules are gonna be fucked up for a while but i was worth it to have all this time to...

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@AthenaTheGodess: Sleepless nights and many city lights

@jamieflatters: we're back to no sleep and doing anything and everything possible
- @AthenaTheGodess: you should be happy bitch
-jamieflatters: fineee i guess i am😀

@user1: get married already
  -@user2: fr might as well
    -@britaindalton:that's what i keep saying
     -@AthenaTheGodess: brit you really need to shut the fuck up
   -@user1: oh he got caught🫣
         -@britaindalton: yes ma'am

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