40. cherry flavored

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I wanted Jamie near me I need him back but I won't be weak he hurt me and I can't just act as if it never happened because it did the one person who I knew for sure would leave me left me how will he fix this one? I'm currently waiting for him to get here and in so nervous as I pace back and forth between my living room there's a small knock at my door I freeze my body goes cold I take a big drink of water and open the door I don't do anything I just look at him even though I just want to run over and hug him, he smiles awkwardly then I let him in "thanks for letting me explain" I nod that's all he's gonna get from me right now I realize how hot I am I need fresh air
"Let's walk outside and talk" We don't say anything after that until we get out on the street "Okay then I just want to start by saying I'm sorry you didn't deserve any of that"
"I know I didn't"
"I shouldn't have left you but Avery she didn't like you so she made me not see you or have any communication with you" I feel my face slightly soften "You're grown Jamie you choose what you do with your life"

"I know well now I do but Avery and I met one day at a party and ever since she's claimed me as hers the whole relationship was toxic I felt like I couldn't leave all I wanted was you the whole time and I still do your my best friend I can't live without you" ahh I've been best friend zoned again

"I'm trying to understand why you did this because you could've easily done this earlier"

"I'm stupid I shouldn't have done that I shouldn't have left you and I'm not asking for you to just forgive me right now because I hurt you and I know that I'm really really sorry thena I will never leave you again" he slowly walks up to me now I can see the tears in his eyes

"It's okay" I can feel myself already forgiving him I go in for a hug which he accepts I can feel his tears drip onto my shirt

"No, it's not I shouldn't have done any of it i was being a complete bloke" he pulls away for a second "fuck it" I hear him mumble

"I love you Athena Carter I can't lie to myself anymore because being with Avery opened up my eyes I don't want to be with anyone else. I love you so much it consumes my whole life, you have been my best friend since we were 8, and over the years I have loved you more and more, you are my everything thena honestly you're my world. ever since that day when you walked over to me on the swings I knew it was you. I don't care about what we do or where we are I'm okay as long as I am with you I know I'll be okay"

my mouth drops at his words and I walk closer to him in this moment I want to cry who knew this was how he felt the whole time he felt the same way as me

"I forgive you for dating that bitch" I sniffle and make a joke so I don't cry we both laugh for a second "I will always forgive you and I will always love you Jamie.. ever since the beginning" I rush over to him we fill in the space between us our lips fusing together lighting a fire in my stomach this feels right

his mouth goes agape matching mine from a couple of seconds ago "Wait can I kiss you is this okay I don't want to make you-" I kiss him again " I've been waiting to kiss you forever now shut up and kiss me Jamie" he just stares at me for a second "yes ma'am I'm all yours" his lips are on mine I shudder and my life feels complete right now "we should go before we end up on enews or something also your lips taste like cherry" I laugh at his comment I grab his hand and practically drag him up to my apartment he takes his jacket off next my flannel comes off he's kissing my neck slowly moving down my body it feels like I'm levitating next.... well we know what happens next.

he holds me by my waist his head snuggled into my neck "I guess I can check sleeping with a celebrity off my bucket list" he wheezes "Wow Thena very nice" I shrug "Can we go to bed I am so tired?" he wags his finger in my face "why don't I draw you a bath you can take one and then you can go to bed' I let out a big sigh "um how about we take a bath together that would make it much better" he nods his head "of course anything for you" he kisses my forehead and gets up I smell my lavender body wash from here he knows it's my favorite he walks back in and bows "your bath my lady" I grab his hands that were out in front of me and follow him to the bath.

"so was Avery that bad?"                                                                    

"I don't want to talk about her I want to be here with you and that's it"


"fine yes, she was that bad it was also the fact that I didn't even like her we were both drunk at this party she just randomly started making out with me but the whole time she was kissing me I thought of you. She didn't even ask me if we could date or if she could move in, she hated you and was jealous because I actually had feelings for you she knew it and so did I, so she made everyone not talk about her including me and I couldn't talk to you so that included texting calling or in person talking"

"wow so she wasn't just a bitch she is a controlling bitch"

"yeah it was hell without you I always viewed your stories and all your posts I never stopped checking on you I asked everyone to check up on you for me"

"aw Jamie"

we kiss again and lay in the hot water for a couple more minutes before getting out of the bath, we lay down on my bed watching Twilight "Hey thena do you want pizz-" Bailey says before she stares at us in shock as we lay there Jamie shirtless and me in his shirt "What the fuck?" Jamie and I look at each other and laugh "Okay long story short we made up everything is worked out and now we're together" I explain very quickly "don't tell anyone yet we're gonna have a big family dinner and tell everyone" she's still in shock "are you guys clothed under there?" I give her a weird look "Yes" she jumps on us and gives us a huge hug "thank god you two finally got together I was waiting for it, shit everyone has been waiting for you two to get together now I will leave you two alone bye bye goodnight" we wave at her and say out goodnight's.

"Can you move in with me again please I miss you being there" he gives me puppy dog eyes I shove his face away
"Yes I've missed waking up to you every day"
"Yay we can move you in soon"
"Okay I'm so tired I gotta sleep"
"Goodnight I love you"
"Night I love you"

and not long after I'm asleep.

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