25.the perfect pair

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so it's the day of the concert i wake up early jamie wakes up with me "ready for your big day" he says as we get up from the bed "you make it sound like i'm getting married" i rub my eyes and sit at the edge of the bed he's standing in front of me "come on let's get your grumpy ass up i'll make you breakfast and coffee you need fuel for the day" i finally decide to get up i go on my phone to see a message from sam

old man👨🏻‍🦳-
thena good luck on tour you'll do great love you sweetheart

you texting me makes me
feel a lot better and love you more

old man👨🏻‍🦳-
thena that's impossible i will always love you more break a leg❤️

thanks pops❤️

after seeing those messages and having that moment with sam i felt a lot better about today so i take a long shower do a face mask skincare you know all that jazz before heading over to the stadium with Jamie.
When we get there i couldn't look at the stadium for too long or the anxiety would kick in, i do what i have to at the stadium make sure they let Jamie and the rest of them in after that i quickly go to my hotel room Jamie is jumping on our bed freaking out about the fact that i'm performing tonight he needs to be the calm one here because i'm about to lose my shit he helps me pick out my clothes "you should put your hair in the half up half down thing it shows off that pretty face" i brush off the fact that what he just said made my stomach do summersaults "hair half up and half down it is".

its time for jamie and i to separate i give him a huge hug before i go to the side of the stage "go knock 'em dead thena i'll be there cheering and screaming the lyrics the whole time" i let go "thank you J" he gives my hand one last squeeze before i walk off and onto the stage as soon as i do i hear the beats of my song start to play i can feel my muscles relax a little bit i'm surprised with a uproar of cheers and screaming when i start singing i look around the whole stadium watching how everyone of them sing alone i smile as i look over to the side to see jamie once again jumping him yelling the lyrics like he said he would he was with bailey and trinity i looked over a little more to see Jack Jenna and Charlie when i see charlie i get excited so i walk over and wave to her, then i give jack a knowing look he just smiles and shakes his head.

After the concert jack and i are doing a meet up with charlie and jenna for dinner when i walk up to the table i see Charlie's jaw drop she mumbles something to jack then to Jenna "Oh my god, hi Athena." she greets me
"Hey Charlie!" we hug for a minute before we all sit down at the table we have the best conversations we couldn't stop laugh and finish our food "i've heard a lot about you too" i say pointing between Jenna and Charlie i hear jenna mumble an 'oh yeah' while staring at jack i choose to go along with it "Jack loves you guys." i wanted to annoy them, then charlie speaks up "I mean what can I say, you guys are all I've got." she nudges jack and i sit there looking at them i look over to jenna she rolls her eyes at them because anyone and everyone could tell they liked each other after all the tension charlie speaks again "You and Jack know each other how?" i go to speak but before i can jack spits out "Her boyfriend." i wanted to murder that little shit i laugh and try to play it off like my cheeks aren't hot and red "Jack!" i glare at him long enough for him to look away "My best friend Jamie is in avatar with him. Maybe you'll get to meet him soon." i don't even know if she would but i wanted to see charlie again she seemed really sweet she then turned to jack "I would love to meet your friends" i smile again at the two love birds i can't help but smile at them together yeah jack is normally happy but with her it's different i can tell in the way they look at each other the eyes never lie.
we go to say our goodbyes after i hug charlie i pull away "if jack ever gets to annoying just tell me i'll put him in his place" she laughs and lightly slaps my shoulder "thank god for you because i might take you up on that offer one day" jack obviously hears us he turns around "hey don't be rude" we continue to laugh "okay you guys have a good night i'll see you when i see you byee" i say my final goodbye to them for the night as i get into my uber i can feel myself starting to dissociate from reality fuck not now i've been doing so good my heart starts to pound in my chest *ding* who the fuck is tex- i stop my thoughts as i see it was Jamie who was texting me

flatty Mcpatty <3-
you almost home i miss you 😭

goofy goober-
dude it's been like 3 hours
since i saw you

flatty Mcpatty <3-
3 hours too long

goofy goober-
i'm in the uber i'll be there
in like 5 minutes

flatty Mcpatty <3-

goofy goober-
now what if i screenshot and send this to the gc and show how affectionate you are towards me when they're not around 🤨

flatty Mcpatty <3-
nahh it's our little secret

goofy goober-
okay sure buddy can we
watch scream

flatty Mcpatty <3-
which one tonight

goofy goober-
i'm thinking the first one

flatty Mcpatty <3-
sounds good to me see you soon 🥸

@AthenaTheGodess: first day of tour done and ended it with a amazing dinner 🍽️ 😋

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@AthenaTheGodess: first day of tour done and ended it with a amazing dinner 🍽️ 😋

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