9. the mask is slipping

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boots house down

girlzzzzzz wanna hang out



my house??

yes yes do yes can we spend the night

yeah sure, are your parents okay with it

sounds good 😊

yup they said i can go i hate to ask but thena can you pick me up

of course kid i'll pick you up
can you be ready in 30

yeah i can i basically ready because i went out for breakfast

okay okay can't wait 😽🫶🏻

the girls ran around town getting ice cream,candy all the sweet things you can think of then we go to some random cute diner.

"so you're telling me you and Jamie nothing has happened there" trinity basically yelled while bailey just laughed at the girls straight forwardness
" i mean we kissed a few times when we drank too much then we just forgot about it and never spoke of it again" everyone's smiles fade "what why do your faces look like that."
"you remember but does he" bailey asks in gentle tone." i don't think he does but it's fine"
"well you didn't sound fine when you just said that" trinity says "it was a while ago and i don't like him so it's not a big deal" Thena says while shrugging "okay enough about me and Jamie let's eat"
they finish eating then drive back to bailey's place athena stops talking when she hears the song that's on she screams they look at her terrified "bailey turn it all the way up please"

"Photo album on the counter, your cheeks were turnin' red You used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin-sized bed And your mother's tellin' stories 'bout you on the tee-ball team,You taught me 'bout your past, thinkin' your future was me"

then she sat there and wonders is that what will happen to her and jamie they grew up together they had so many memories mostly good but she thinks about the ones like their drunken kisses and her promises that she wouldn't lose him just because she has feelings for him never ever will she lose him.

"you okay" trinity says while laying her head on thena's shoulder " yeah of course" she then lays her head on the smaller girls head "i don't believe you but i'll let it slide i know you don't talk much about the bad stuff"
she feels bad she doesn't mean to not talk about it but she physically can't get herself to talk about it "it's me trin it has nothing to do with you okay i trust you i just don't talk about anything" trinity mumbles a quick okay
before she grabs thena's hand and holds it "love you thena" she knew she had to show some compassion to her she loved the girl but she was always afraid something bad was gonna happen whether it was death or they just leave "love you too kid"

they finally get to her apartment they almost go straight to baileys bed and pass out.

they finally get to her apartment they almost go straight to baileys bed and pass out

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