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"you ready to go thena" so it's now time for Jamie and i to go to the airport so we can go back to the town we grew up in so i could get my things then leave piece of cake right?, i pack a small bag since we're only gonna be there for a couple days "yeah give me like 2 minutes" i yell for from my room "okay our uber is almost here" i zip up my back then we leave. after we get to the airport and go through security and everything else we sit at the gate i zoned out for a while till jamie snapped me back into reality "you okay you've just been staring at the floor for ten minutes" it's just hit me what i will be doing  there no going back now i have to do this maybe it will help me "yeah just thinking about about final this is" he touches my shaking leg "you can do it i will be there every step of the way i'll go get you some water and we can listen to music so you won't be anxious on the plane" i nod my head "thank you j"
i ended up falling asleep on the plane once i wake up and we started walking around town i can feel the pit in my stomach.

we get to my housee my heart is beating out of my chest it feels like I'm about to throw up I need to leave this place quickly, we walk around the house looking at all the pictures of me and my mom and and also some of Jamie and I still up on the walls, i see me and Jamie's height on the wall by the stairs,  i know this place will be hard to say goodbye to it will be a bittersweet goodbye because i hate this place after everything happened but this was also the places i had all my memories at, all the memories of Jamie and i on the trampoline and during summer we would get the water hose and spray each other with it all the memories of his family and my mom and i all having dinner together all the time we were one big happy family.
all the times jamie and i snuck out and ran around the went to the water tower we would sit there and talk for hours.
i didn't want to go back but at least i have Jamie with me i feel something drip down my face as Jamie walked over to me "Athena you okay?" i wipe my face, fuck why am i crying
"I miss how this place used to feel I miss the happy things when we would run around not giving a shit about anything how we would make pillow forts and watch movies, I didn't want it to end like this I can't even look at any of this without feeling sad these we're happy memories now I don't even want to remember them sometimes all it reminds me of is what i lost, why did i lose everything" i'm still staring at the photos on the walls "it's not fair that you got all this taken from you i know that but you didn't lose me okay I'll be here forever I mean it" I could tell he wanted to cry when he was watching me cry "you promise?" he brings his hand up to to pinky promise me with me "I promise" We spent hours getting all my stuff and putting it in boxes, "Okay let's take a break from this let's go get ice cream.
they go to the ice cream place they've been going to since the summer when they became friends everyone was shocked to see the two best friends together in town again.

they go to the ice cream place they've been going to since the summer when they became friends everyone was shocked to see the two best friends together in town again

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@AthenaTheGodess: hometown ice cream is always the best —————————————————

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@AthenaTheGodess: hometown ice cream is always the best

@balieybass: why is jamie like this 😔
-@AthenaTheGodess: i don't even know why i'm friends with him😟
-@jamieflatters: shut up acting like i don't make you laugh your ass off every time we're together

@britaindalton: why does jamie look like that
-@Jackthechampion:nah fr
- @jamieflatters: the ice cream was really cold 🥲

@user1:dude she's so fucking pretty jamie is so lucky
- @user2:they aren't dating
-@user1:there's no way they aren't dating

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