52. To be alone with you

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this chapter will just be quick flashbacks of cute moments during tour

~movie release dinner~

most of the cast came down (other than Bailey sadly) to Boston since that's where we were performing at the time. When I looked out in the crowd they all were front row screaming the lyrics I laughed so many times during that day because they were all acting so stupidly that's why I love them. Trinity was on Britain's shoulders, Zoe was really feeling the music she had her eyes closed while swaying and I think Sam might've shed a few tears. It was a great day, I love my family so much.

"I wanted to say thank you all for coming out and supporting me I love every single one of you have a great night" I blow a few kisses to the crowd as I'm getting off stage I hear familiar bickering I turn the corner and see everyone (which included Sam, Zoe, Jamie, Britain, Trinity, and Jack) I ran to trinity first when I pull back from the hug Jamie is looking at me baffled

"wow don't even say hello to your boyfriend first?"

"oh shut up" he smiles as my arms wrap around his neck and gave him a quick kiss "Ew" I whip my head around to the group "It was one little peck you guys will survive"

I make eye contact with Sam he looks so happy? proud? I don't know I couldn't really figure it out I hugged him next "You did great sweetie" It took everything in me not to cry right then and there "Thanks Dad" I heard him clearly his throat a clear sign of him getting emotional I rub his back "It's nice to see you all It's been too long" They all say things like 'It has' or 'You telling me' I clap my hands together slightly startling everyone "Now enough about me let's go celebrate you guys" we cheer and scream like crazy people all the way to the parking lot


I was off today meaning no singing, no concert, and quality time with Jamie. I flew out to New York deciding to go to the apartment and surprise Jamie when he gets home from the interviews he had today. When i hear the door being opened I jump up and wait by the door when It opens he doesn't see me at first he looks at the ground kicking off his shoes and dropping his bag on the counter "Hold shit you scared me" his face went scared, shocked, then happy within 5 seconds, he engulfs me and I take in the smell of his cologne "Happy Christmas love" I kiss his cheek and run my fingers through his hair "Merry Christmas to my favorite person ever" I look around at the apartment and see our stockings, ones we made in 4th grade he always put them up "I can't believe you still have those" We lock arms "I wouldn't dare getting rid of them" I jump up a little bit then run into our room "ready to open presents?"

"not yet first we have to make hot chocolate, make the sugar cookies, and then open our stockings" I shake my head "Of course can't forget the traditions" he bumps his arm on mine

"I'll glad you're here it wouldn't be Christmas without you"

"I'm glad I'm here too, I missed you a lot we should go cuddle and then do the traditions"

"How could I say no to that generous offer"

~new years~

Jamie has been with me ever since Christmas he flew back with me and just stayed

Jamie and I were just laying down eating pasta when phoebe busted into our hotel room Jamie just about spit his pasta out "wow you're jumpy" phoebe says, I laugh and look over to her "so why did you just scare the shit out of us? any particular reason?" she joins us on the bed making herself comfortable "There's a party for New Years tonight want to go?" I look at Jamie "It's up to you I'm down to go"

"we'll be there"

she hops off the bed and smiles

"yay I was going to convince you into going if you said no anyway" Now Lucy walked in "Did she say yes to going?" before I could say anything Phoebe beat me to it "Yup" Lucy's face lit up "Do you have something to wear?" I shrug "I think I have a silver dress I could wear"

"cute!" Lucy claps her hands

"It starts at 10, do you want to meet up or drive together"

"We can meet up"

so as planned I wore the silver dress Jamie wore a simple white tank with a matching denim jacket and pants, we got there a little later than expected but we knocked on the door and Julien swung it open she was leaning on the door and smiling weirdly "we don't do that" she scoffs and lets us in, as we make our way through the crowd somehow we lose Julien I look around now I don't see Jamie I feel my heart start to pick up in speed before I could spiral Jamie is coming up from behind me looking worried"sorry got lost in the crowd hey Thena are you okay?" he picks up my hands and holds them tightly "just couldn't find you" his thumb brushes over my hand gently as his other hand meets my waist "you want to get some water" I shake my head almost immediately feeling better having him beside me again "No I'm okay let's go find the boys"

We took some shots and by we I mean Julien, Lucy, Phoebe, and I since Jamie decided to be the designated driver. We're finally getting down to it, it's 6 minutes till midnight they hand out drinks to everyone again "10 seconds" Phoebe yells very loudly in her drunken state Jamie points out to me that Julien is riding on Lucy's back I take a picture so I can't forget this golden moment even though I doubt I ever will. It's officially a new year and everyone is hugging blowing kazoos and kissing each other of course that included the boys kissing each other they did it very often so it didn't come as a shock I lean onto Jamie pilling him closer "Happy next year J-dawg" he kisses me soft at first then deepened the kiss "happy new year Thena"

"Another year of us, cheers" We clink our glasses together then he pressed a kiss on my temple "I love you" I don't think I'll ever get over hearing those words spill from his gorgeous mouth "I love you more" oh we're doing the who loves who more game "no you don't" I get off his shoulder and look at him with a deadly stare "yes I do"

"no you don't"

"I will always will that game Thena" I roll my eyes at his statement "damn we really became that cheesy couple that everyone hates" he lets out a wheeze "Yeah but I'm okay with that"

a/n- I'm gonna be honest i forgot this book existed but I think it may be coming to an end so I'll try to feed y'all as much as possible

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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