20. through the dark

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so as they planned they all meet up at Jamie and Athena's apartment first people to get there were jack and trinity she opens the door and runs to find me sitting on the couch then continues to jump on me then jack follows her and does the same thing "thanks that felt great i missed you guys" thena says while giving both of them noogies "we missed you too that week felt like forever oh and we brought a karaoke machine for everyone to use" they all lay there on the couch till Jamie comes running from the bathroom just to land right on Athena's lap "JAMIE, you are an idiot get off" thena then scolds him like she's his mom "you didn't tell me they were here so deserved to be jumped on" jack whips his head around "what about us we didn't deserve to get jumped on" Jamie shrugged "well you guys were collateral damage" about 30 minutes late britain gets there then bailey was 5 minutes after him the last to get there was sam obviously. they start cooking pasta and a whole bunch of sides trinity makes some lemon aid.

thenas pov
i go to the bathroom and look at myself or the shell of myself i can't shake the feeling of my dad and his words i never wanted it to effect me this much but here i am about to have a breakdown in my bathroom because i can't take a couple harsh words from my dad it's pathetic i need to get over this, i can't eat but if i don't Jamie will catch on then tell the other to get me help and i don't want that i tell myself it's fine i'll just workout after this and i won't get a lot of food yeah that's good i splash water on my face wipe it off then i walk out to see everyone dancing to Abba and i can't help but smile i love my family even if it isn't blood they are my family i walk to the kitchen and sam looks over at me "hey you okay?" god him and jamie are so annoying why do they always know somethings wrong "yeah i'm good" i turn my head trinity and jack are dancing to Chiquitita sam knows i was lying he tells Jamie to take over the pasta he grabs my hands and we dance around the kitchen "i'll never forget when you were 17 and you were on set you made me dance to taylor swift exactly how we are right now you have always loved dancing especially when you're sad"  yeah like i said he knew i lied i give look up at him i know i probably look like a sad puppy because his face dropped when i finally looked up "thena listening to the music it's abba your favorite come on cheer up kid" he starts tickling me i scream and start laughing still my stomach hurts "no please dad stop" he finally stops "there's that smile i wanted to see" he always knew just what to do to make me feel good again, "okay guys dinners ready" Jamie yells to the group
we eat our food in comfortable silence with a couple conversations talking about life and what everyone was doing.

after they finish eating we just lay down for a little bit till Jamie gets up and plays a song without anyone knowing the song starts playing and thena immediately knows what it is she springs up from her seat to see Jamie standing by the karaoke machine holding the two microphones "want to sing our song" she takes the mic from him "that's not even a question i would never miss the opportunity" they continue singing through the dark by one direction ,ever since they listened to it together at midnight when it first came out they knew it was their song and nobody could ever change that it was coming to their favorite part that they always sang to each other,they make eye contact And I remember you laughing So let's just laugh again But don't burn out Even if you scream and shout It'll come back to you, back to you somehow them singing this small lyric meant a lot, to them it meant something bigger than just a few lyrics to the both of them it was words they couldn't say to each other so they say it though song the song they claimed.
this one the first of many songs that were sung that day Jack Britain and Jamie sang the boys are back trinity and Athena sang out of the woods Athena and bailey sang drunk in love then the final song was sam and Athena  they sang baby got back let's just say everyone was shocked that they sang that, they recorded the whole thing too so sam and Athena knew they would never live that one down. soon after they all sang it was almost midnight everybody was tired so they all decided to go home, Jamie and thena did their skin care routine brushed their teeth together then they headed to bed for another peaceful night cuddling.

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