46.worth it

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My secret was eating at me I didn't know what to do, currently zoned out laying my head on Jamie's lap while watching Dance Moms I couldn't even focus on anything that was going on not even Dance Moms so it was very bad

"What's wrong love?" When he says this I zone back in and process what he just asked me

more silence fills the room

"I know something's wrong you aren't quoting dance moms talk to me," he says while also playing with my hair I sit up and stare at him nervously "Remember how I have been talking to Phoebe a lot again and I've also been talking to Lucy and Julien" I ramble on, all my words mixing together somehow he understands what I'm saying "yes babe I remember who they all are and I know you've been talking to them, your playing with your hair why are you nervous?" He always knew exactly how to read me, "They asked me to go on tour with them I said I would" he gets up and hugs me I somewhat hug back but when he notices I have an uneasy look on my face his smile drops "why aren't you happy you love all of their music and you obsess over boygenius?" I play with my hair once again "I- it sounds so stupid but I just feel scared because last time I left for tour we fell apart, I lost you and I never want to lose you I just can't do it" My heart beats out of my chest after finally letting the truth out

"you won't ever lose me not ever, I know I said that before and I broke that promise but I was being an idiot I love you I always have and I always will you're my person, and I don't want anyone else but you" I put my face in my sweaty palms trying to cover my crimson cheeks

"I leave in 4 days and I will be touring for 5 weeks I'm so sorry I waited until the last minute to tell you this whole thing is so fucking stupid" I grab my hands from my face "Hey no what'd I say it isn't stupid and you have no need to be sorry, This is my fault I was a complete asshole to you I understand you're scared I said I would never leave then I did exactly that, I get it" I push back the tears trying to fall from my eyes "what would make you feel better," he says in a caring tone I shrug "I don't know I guess I just wish you could be with me" I say as a joke he looks at me with a glint of playfulness in his eyes "then I'll go with you" he simply states, I laugh thinking he's joking but when I stop laughing he has no sense of joking on his face "but at the time of my concert you will have to be at the avatar premier and do an ass ton of press" he shakes his head scooting closer to me "Then I will buy us a ticket so we can fly back and go to the premier together if you want it's all up to you" I look at him shocked at what he is saying "Really, of course, I want to go I wouldn't miss it " he was saying all the things I needed to hear it made me want to just melt he grabs the side of my head his large hands scooping my jaw

"I love you so much"

we kiss, when I kiss him the fireworks never go away they are always there No matter how much time passes I can guarantee that they never will, they will live on.

"I love you more"

when I say this he stops kissing me again staring at me

"nice try but you definitely don't

"yes I do now shut up and kiss me again"

A/n- remember if he wanted to he would!!!!! I love this chapter so much get ready for the cutest chapters ever

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